I...I have no words

by Theredeemer 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • KateWild

    This cult is now officially a social club.- Theredeemer

    Yes I agree, and it's all about who has the most power in the KH, then your social standing increases exponentially with your power.

    Dont be surprised if they make their own social media website. - Theredeemer

    I can't see this happening, they have a website, but no where to post a message on a public board, there are plenty of FB pages that are for JWs though, but an official one won't happen because too many will vioce opinions that the GB want kept quiet, look at Wikapedia under Jehovah's Witnesses, loads of contraversial comments and apologists contradicting one another.

    Kate xx

  • Apognophos

    Personally I think this forum needs about a HUNDRED more threads about the danm TV channel. Keep going, guys.

  • GreenhornChristian

    I wonder if there will be a donation button like on Christian websites.

  • Giordano

    When I was a pioneer in the early 1960's I would go door to door Sunday mornings and all you could hear house to house were the Sunday morning T.V. preachers. I knew then that numbers don't lie if you want to get your message out you needed a complete assault.......... publications, boots on the ground,radio....T.V.

    They cut their throats by ignoring the greatest communication opportunity available and open to everyone who could pay for TV time.

    Why didn't they take advantage of having their own T.V. studio and broadcasting to the 8 million New Yorkers at the very least? Of course I am glad they didn't.

    And how long did it take them to catch up to the internet?

    My answer is simple they were and remain a 19th century religion 130 years later and they still can not communicate to the public at large.

    In my opinion they were a reasonably successful real estate holding company but as a religion a bust.

    P.S. I checked our local once a week newspaper which provides a free page for all religious Church's, centers, or meeting places to list their meetings and/or services. They are all listed even the Buddhists. I live in a tourist area but if you didn't have personal knowledge of where the KH was or what day and time they meet you would have a heck of a time attending.That of course is a good thing.

  • Theredeemer

    This Sh!& is really blowing my mind. Is that weird? I have yet to see the tv show. I really dont know why I dont want to even if it is to mock it.

  • LostGeneration

    Yeah its a joke to call it a TV channel. Its just more content for the fully brainwashed rank and file JW.

    The world at large knows nothing of this silly little cult.

  • hamsterbait

    What will the presenter say as the bottom of the screen rolls past: "to contribute just $5 dial toll-free...."

  • metatron

    Will they have a pledge week? Or commercials?

    "Brought to you by Miracle Wheat"


  • cultBgone

    Here's the deal. We can all scream about it and tell everyone how wrong it is, and how it's nothing like the religion we used to know...and that's true.

    However...they don't care about us, or the older ones, or the born-ins, or anyone who is already stuck in the bOrg.

    What they care about is continuing the revenue stream by bringing in new ones who know NOTHING about all the "old" stuff we know.

    These younger ones can be easily persuaded that this is cool because it's all on the internet! They will never experience the crap hours spent trudging door to door on a hot summer morning. They will never see the craziness from Russell or Rutherford or Knorr or Franz.

    All they will know is Hey, this is fun, this is cool, let's try this on for awhile....and they will be stuck.

    And the hamster wheel will continue to spin as more critters jump on for the ride.


    Miracle Wheat!!! LOL!!! I have already used the 144,000 Club joke on a dub, my next phrase will be , " Holy Miracle Wheat!!!" LOL!!!!


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