Ok Simon. I just like to analyze stuff sometimes.
But other usernames I checked, known not to be trolls, more of a trusted nature, do not have that same spike on Dec decline then spike on Jan 1.
But then I have not done a full investigation/ analyzation (sp?) of this. I just wondered if anyone else had noticed anything. Some graphs are harder to read accurately, since the long time posters do not have as precise labeling of the graph. New members, obviously, have a more precise graph but not enough time period to compare it.
Hey Y'all it is at the bottom of your own profile page! It shows a time line graph of your time with the forum, topics posted on, and topics started. I find stuff like that interesting ( nerdy I suppose)
I first though maybe it was due to off work time for so many, but the long time posters here who are not considered either sympathizers or trolls do not have that same spike on that date. There are lots of trends and spikes, but that one jumped out at me as consistent so far. I just wondered if anyone else was as nerdy as I am or find that kind of thing interesting.
Now I wonder, is there something special about Dec decline, and specific Jan 1 spike that would explain that if it is indeed a consistent trend within that group?