I mean this in the kindest possible way, Sam... how the hell do JWs show love? I'm curious to hear your answer because JWs talk a lot about love, but do they teach by example?
grazy link on JW.ORG
by fastJehu 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sam, i have always liked you and appreciated you pov but i think on this you are speaking from an emotional memory, not a logical reasoned position... You say you have been df'd for 8 years..... Who would jesus have ignored for 8 years? What illistration showed that...? In the story of the good samaratian who was it that helped and who passed by? What was the point of the tale? Do jw's really apply that in df'ing people?
I hear what your saying and i see the good intent in individual jw's and i remember the warm fuzzy feelings.... But that dosent make them close to god or the truth.
Sam Whiskey
Do you see them killing each other? Do you see them doing ANYTHING to each other? In a world that's gone as crazy as ours, they look pretty enticing. I'm not an Atheist or Evolutionist or any of that crap. They know they're wrong, they just can't bring themselves to admitting it. I'm not a Jihad Jerry Muslim either, God knows they don't have the truth, they just want to kill everybody who doesn't conform to Sharia law. Mormon's are pretty cool, but they subscribe to some guy who thinks he was God's chosen leader of the Mormon faith.
I just kind of like the way they (JW's) roll. Just sayin'
Iown Mylife
Many people have committed suicide because they were unable to cope with being shunned by their families and others. The JW way of rolling is with a steamroller. They have been responsible for many deaths, poverty, children who have been used by pedophiles. Lives destroyed by gossip. Just because they aren't brandishing knives and filming executions doesn't mean they are not killers.
I left the crazy behind me inside the KH. The hypocrites and the abusers and the enablers. The mind control, the "theocratic" liars, just every kind of ruiner imaginable.
There are more choices in life than just crazy Muslim terrorists or the crazy JW cult, which has NOTHING enticing about it. How about being kind, industrious, generous, honest, considerate, just because that's the decent way to live.
Do you see them killing each other? Do you see them doing ANYTHING to each other?
Although it's probably not what you meant, you kind of made my point for me. No, I don't see JWs doing much to each other. For a group that claims to show true love, they actually seem to show something much more limited in scope and scale that equates to "Reinforce my own beliefs or I'll shun you". Other groups have financial assistance, and genuine friendship. Miss a few meetings, and your JW "friends" start to sidle away from you nervously. Financial assistance chalks up to the advice "Go on welfare".
I'm not an Atheist or Evolutionist or any of that crap.
You shouldn't be proud of ignorance. Evolution is scientific fact for everyone outside of the fundamentalist-conspiracy-theory bubble that JWs and their ilk live in.
It sounds like you've been living your life in neutral since being DFed. Put the car back in gear and start driving your life. Don't let the GB drive it for you. Interact with regular people. Don't ask what their beliefs are, just get to know what kind of people they are, and you'll be surprised. It's not a big scary world out there. It's a big world with a few scary people and lots more good ones.
Sam Whiskey
While I do not believe in hell, here is some food for thought on Atheism. Bottom line, you cannot prove it....
Sorry, I don't have time for a 38 minute video. But atheism is not about proving there isn't a God. It's about simply taking an evidence-based stance and saying that you won't believe in something just because mommy and daddy and society says it exists. The burden of proof is on believers to show that something as extraordinary as God exists.
Just to be clear, I'm agnostic, but essentially atheist concerning the God of the Bible. That's because I learned about how the Bible was written and now I can see the seams very clearly. It's very much a collection of disparate writings that were edited and mashed together over the centuries, and you can actually see the concept of God evolving from the earlier texts like Gen. ch. 2 to the later texts like Gen ch 1. So for anyone who's actually learned this stuff, they can't believe that the Bible is God's Word anymore. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist, just that he hasn't revealed himself by inspiring the Bible.
Bottom line, you cannot prove it....
Neither can you.
If you're willing to test your gut feeling that the JW's have the truth, I'd recomend you check out this video series:
This was created by a former mormon who left in part due to comparisons he drew between mormonism and JWims. The stuff about JWs in there isn't what I'm trying to point you to, though. In one of the videos he talks about the mormon testimony, in which they believe that they've recieved a direct revelation from god that mormonism is the correct way to worship. The problem, though, is that many religions (cults especially) rely on the exact same phenomena to keep a hold on members. If a bunch of people pray to god for a sign and they all recieve one, you'd expect them all to point in the same direction. Instead, the sign recieved invariably points in the direction of the religion with which they have the most emotional investment. An emotional or "gut" feeling about the cult is no reason to remain mentally captivated, especially when you're currently subject to shunning. That's a terrible place to be that no one deserves.
Hi Sam, We have never met before but I wanted to say I admire your stand up pont of view.
It is hard on a website that basically shares a common dislike, to point out the "other side of the story".
So I admire you for that.
My experience with the Witnesses has been very different than yours.
I saw them be all sweetness and light as long as I was giving, giving, giving.
(Pioneering, married to a COBE, daughter of elder, sister of elder, mother of elder - siblings in missionary work etc.)
When I questioned a corrupt act on the part of two elders and a Circuit Overseer was when I was treated to the "other side".
Covering up, lying, stalling - you name it.
Oh! And an indifferent response from the Society when I asked questions.
Basically my conclusion is, everything CAN be fine unless.....
Unless you uncover a wrongdoing on the part of ANY elder or C.O. or any higher up. Then there is no court of appeal, no where to go, no support.
You say you are disfellowshipped. Maybe you feel you deserved it, I have no idea not hearing your side of things.
But what about the people who havent gotten justice and have no recourse?
How would you feel if you were one of them?
You would feel a LOT different, trust me.
j dubb
Um, but a bunch of Bible beliefs CAN be proven false. Mankind was not created 6,xxx years ago. There was no global flood 4000 years ago. There was no Exodus.
Beliefs do not change facts. Facts, if one is rational, should change beliefs.