Spot on advice as usual JWF.
I was very lucky with my JW family, well, to a degree. In my first flush of learning TTATT I thought I could oh so easily show them what I had learned and hence wake them up. Not so.
Where I was lucky was that they decided as long as I did nothing that would get me DF'd, they would not snitch on me to the Elders. This surprised me, as I thought they would go running straight away, but no, and one of the most indoctrinated even said that he did not believe Shunning was right ! that was an eyeopener !
But looking back now, I would have followed your advice JWFacts, had I know where Mrs Phizzy and I would be today. We are simply excluded from all family stuff, fair enough we wouldn't attend a lot of what they do, because it is overun with Dubs, but we have great nephews and nieces we have never met. The never-a-JW members of the family have met these kids.
Once you make it plain you are a "spiritul danger" you are virtually DF'd anyway, unless they need your services of course.
Just becoming inactive ,non-attenders without giving reasons is the ideal, if you wish to keep family relationships somewhat normal.