The Electric Church Turns On!

by Atlantis 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Dagney

    If they can change core beliefs such as:

    • The meaning of the "generation," the foundation of their apocalyptic prophecies
    • Who the GB are
    • Blood policy

    They can change anything without blinking an eye. Their whole arrogant attitude has been to elevate themselves and to denigrate literally everybody and everything else. Like somebody pointed out, they would lead you to believe they invented electricity if they thought they could get away with it.

    I do agree it is a means to keep the faithful tuned in. I think it's just a novelty to a good percentage, don't know what that percentage is...maybe half would not be interested in an ongoing basis. Instead they will be watching "Homeland" and "Breaking Bad"...of course and binge watching "Orange is the New Black."

  • Vegas Girl
    Vegas Girl

    As a very inactive JW, my 2 cents on this whole JW TV thing is that the Society has to keep up with the times. Lets face it, we live in the digital media age, where tablets and smart phones rule the universe. The younger generation will have known nothing else but internet media and Social Networking sites. I think they have no choice if they want to stay relevant. In my opinion, I don't think they will become anything like The 700 Club or the like, I think it will just be more of an "educational" platform for them to reach more people. I think folks on here are making too much of it. I too grew up in the 70s and 80s and also remember when the internet first arrived in the 90s as an adult, and I remember thre JW's being so cautious about using the internet, and later Social Networking sites, stating that it could become an "addiction". They have definetely done a switch-a-roo here, but like I said, I think it will just be a glorified meeting/ assembly style format.

    I guess we all just hide and "watch"

  • Pistoff


    "As a very inactive JW, my 2 cents on this whole JW TV thing is that the Society has to keep up with the times. Lets face it, we live in the digital media age, where tablets and smart phones rule the universe. The younger generation will have known nothing else but internet media and Social Networking sites. I think they have no choice if they want to stay relevant."

    I agree, the problem is that the WT has had something bitchy to say about every other faith that modernizes and reaches out to their audience.

    Now that they have to do it, they make it seem like they invented it, and that 'Jehovah' is backing them at every turn.

    Well, now we know that Jehovah plays a catch up game, and apparently backs using a host that has more facial tics than a junkie that is jonesing.

  • Heaven

    Another one of the constants with Botchtower is... hypocrisy.

    It's ok for them to do whatever they want ... but no one else.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl


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