what tv.jw.org REALLY is

by Nebeska Nada 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ucantnome

    when I was a small kid Saturday and sunday were field service. Most times first door you knocked at my father would get into a discussion that lasted an hour. Often frozen hands and feet but you needs to smile at the end and offer an invitation to the Sunday meeting. If I didn't smile enough you got a telling off. Then it off to the long boring talk and watchtower. The joys of trying to remember something about the watchtower study maybe it was on the Daniel book. The Babylon book on a Tuesday night was another joy and so on

    now there's cartoons and tv and shorter meetings less pioneer hours no bookstudy shorter assemblies what an improvement I think.

  • GoneAwol

    Its not a slap in the face. It is, in my opinion, another ridiculous move by the org that could wake people up. Evangelical TV with the likes of Billy Graham and Jimmy Swaggart were always getting slated by the witchtower when i was younger.

    I think it could help some in the middle-aged bracket that were around then. Especially when they start doing a 'how you can keep gods cameras rolling' begging video.

  • sloppyjoe2

    It has nothing to do with apostates, we aren't as important as we would like to think we are. It's just a redirect away from the 100 year anniversary. They acknowledged it, had a few talks and then bam, here is our new tv studio. 100 years of nothing happening is completely forgotten. In the future it will be a great gift from god with all the content JWs will receive. Marketing brilliance is what it is.

  • sir82

    Maybe I'm just dense, but I don't see the connection between "apostates" and "JW TV".

    Can someone explain it to dumb ol' me?

  • sloppyjoe2

    sir82 there is no connection. no slap in the face, no nothing. A lot of delusion on this board because of inner desires of wanting the organization to fall a part. There is no demise, there is no coming mass exodus, if anything they will grow.

  • Theredeemer

    How is this a slap in the face to us? Its a big deal now because it just happenned. We are not definitely not impressed by a f'ing tv show! We are impressed at the cunning ability the GB has to keep people in control and distracted. It's freaking some of us out because of the blatant hipocracy of it all.

    Wait about 6 months and we will be talking about something else. It will get old and people will move on. Year after year it is the same song and dance. Why do you think every year someone says "this is the best assembly so far!" when the same shite was repeated from the year before and the year before that and so on. I was a witness and I know that you almost have to force yourself to say those words because are you really going to be the only person to say "Well...I thought it was a little boring and repetative". Little by little it becomes an automatic statement, kind of like when you go to someone's house because they made food. Even if you really didnt like it you say "Wow! this was delicious!". Someone on Instagram commented "Wow! I just love Bro. Lett's Speaking voice!". Really!?! That may be true...if you are a 4 year old!! You see, I can say that now that I am an apostate. If you are honest you know that he speak with a condescending voice, his mannerisms are over the top and he comes across as a fake douche! I have always thought that about him, even when I was in; I just never said it out loud.

    If anyone is getting slapped it's the poor witnesses who are continuously lied to, manipulated and coerced into submitting to this religion. They are forced to go along at all costs. They are forced to ignore the fact that whatever the witnesses do is not innovative, cutting edge or blazing any trails. They live in a tiny little world, much like the mormons, scientologists and other high control groups.

    Witnesses have been slapped in the face so many times they dont even feel it anymore.

  • jgnat

    Television is so eighties. An excerpt from an interview with Seth Godin:

    "We invented television to make advertisers happy, not the other way around. And so in this second era, the mass media era, we’ve got lots and lots of attention because television manufactured attention and we needed to grab that attention and turned it into money. But attention is now scarce. It’s not abundant anymore. There’s a million or a billion channels to choose from, not three."


  • DeWandelaar

    It is nice to have a holy channel while waiting in the bunker for Armageddon to end...

  • punkofnice

    Does this mean the GB will increase their rock star status by appearing on the TV?

    When will JW merchandise include autographed pictures of these paedophile protecting men?

  • DeWandelaar

    The GB can put 24 hours a day on the field service report since the stream will be 24 hours period :P

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