The end isn't around the says Stephen Lett

by wannaexit 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazyguy

    Most people missed it but be said at last years annual meeting that the end is sure to come by the end of the millennium, thats a long time.

  • factfinder

    When I believed in it, I figured Jehovah can create whatever is needed for his people in the new world, electricity, food, anything, he was bringing armageddon and could also provide for his people's needs in the new world.

    Also, why would he destroy the bethel bldgs? I believed they would all be used in the new world. Building them now was also for the new world, armageddon was still close.

    When I was a witness I really believed these things.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    A special intercom system is to be installed in all new construction of JW's allowing the FDS in heaven to communicate directly with the newly chosen "princes" after Harmageddon. This will allow all new construction to address the spiritual needs of countless millions of survivors of the Great Tribulation and help to usher in the era of the resurrection. Great investment indeed!

  • redvip2000

    no no no, you have it all wrong.

    It's the same concept as the new Bethel construction. It will be there after the big A, so the end can come before that.

    What remains to be seen is who is actually going to maintain the networks needed to broadcast via the internet after Jehoober destroys everything.


    The end isn't around the says Stephen Lett

    Your misinterpreting Lett..

    He telling you "He can`t Find his Own Ass"..


  • RagingBull

    It's such bullshit. How will the "NATIONS" forget about the JWs long enough to have to turn around and remember to go after them??? They have property all over the globe!!! It would make more sense to go after them 1st. LOL They're the most well-built, and smoothest-running cult around!

    With the END so near, they feel comfortable enough to start building projects and plan for years and years as if persecution from the governments can't hault it. What happened to that? When I was in my teens I imagined the "great tribulation" being like WWII era Germany and France...the Gustapo knocking on our doors. Witnesses hiding in the Attics or whatever. I guess it'll be TAXES for religious groups.


  • Vidiot

    RagingBull - " I guess it'll be TAXES for religious groups."

    * gasp *

    Paying back Caeser's things to Caeser; the worst kind of "persecution" imaginable!

  • 4thgen

    So the overlapping will continue and continue. Who would have thunk it?

  • Vidiot

    Shirley - "...stringing a bunch of impossibles together equals the possible."

    That is - hands down, without a doubt - the best description of WT eschatology I have ever read.

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