the new TV show, is it just me or is the guy really creepy??

by purrpurr 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    I have now watched the whole 55 mins or so...

    I had to do it in sections, or I would have been sick!


    The MANIPULATION, and leading statements, and PROPAGANDA is out of this world!

    Im shocked......

    Notice how Doctrinal truth is no longer as important as the EMOTIONAL grab? This is especially evident in that song "best life ever" logical reasons presented based on facts...just a "feel good puff piece"

    Seriously, only an emotionally vulnerable person would fall for this crap!

  • NewYork44M

    Why is the set in Brooklyn Heights and all that property is up for sale? That makes little sense.

  • rory-ks

    "Why is the set in Brooklyn Heights and all that property is up for sale? That makes little sense."

    Mr Lett addresses that question quite quickly, NY44M. They wanted everyone to enjoy the benefits of JW broadcasting as soon as possible, apparently. When Warwick is finished they will move the studio to the new site lock, stock, and barrell, "except the paint on the wall, and the paint on the floor."


  • Zoos


    I predict soon one of the governing body members will bring his wife on set where she will just cry and cry and her eye makeup will run down her face and people will send lots of money to help develop Watchtower real estate in poor African villages.


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I could not manage to watch more than a minute, how anyone watched the full 55 mins is beyond me.

    However, someone on here mentioned recently that Stephen Lett suffers from Tourettes Syndrome which may account for his movements. They still need someone better to front the show, he is a real turn off.


  • Phizzy

    As I said on another Thread, those clown trousers (pants) that Lett wears, too long for his 18inch inside leg, made me laugh out loud.

    Now if I want a laugh, all I have to do is tune in, with no sound on, watch his weird rubber face and crazy, crazy gestures, and most of all those trousers, and I piss my pants laughing !

  • passwordprotected

    He fluffs his lines several times. Why didn't they re-do those parts?

    Simple answer; they're trying to make it look live. Note the be-suited JW "count him in" right at the start. Fuck's sake - it's not a live TV show...therefore that's completely unnessecariy.


    They didn't ask him to re-do it because he's a GB member and therefore infalliable. Any mistakes were Jehovah's intention all along.

  • committeechairman

    I read in another thread here that if the governing body is going to get serious about, they are going to have to get some real polished types on the camera. The governing body in general is not going to attract the broader audience these folks are used to. Even the rank and file are going to tire of watching governing body members after while because they are not effective in this medium.

    I figure they will make adjustments along these lines soon into the journey. I do expect them to stick with this for the long term because they have to do something just to try to keep everyone that is already one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and then to try to attract any newcomers. The formal field ministry and even the newer "public" ministry approach is just not working, no matter what they claim.


  • Justnowout

    I think a huge issue with getting others to do the videos is that this version of the GB are attention whores. How many times did the letter announcing the video streams use the words "giverning body", and use it in successive sentances?!?! Its unreal. They have this need to be seen and be exposed and be in the lime light. Its a very concieous effort to put themselves front and center.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Lets review: It's a cult!

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