Per JWs the UN is the scarlet-colored wild beast that becomes the 8th king just before Armageddon. It is interesting to see how the UN is becoming more and more an authority in the world with Obama clearly the leader and supporter of globalism. Plus Obama is always saying "peace and security." After Obama's presidency, will he become the leader of the entire world? Or will we see Armageddon before the end of his second term? After all, 100 years is a nice round number to symbolically end things -- that is, 100 years after 1914.
by CharlieSmith1975 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
The existence of the UN is amazing in and of itself.
There is nothing new about the UN being in the headlines for a time or Presidents mentioning peace and security. It’s just that people have short memories.
How is the existence of the UN spectacular?
UN is becoming more and more an authority in the world
What color is the sky in your world?
The UN couldn't govern its way out of a wet paper bag.
It is interesting to see how the UN is becoming more and more an authority in the world with Obama clearly the leader and supporter of globalism. Plus Obama is always saying "peace and security."
The International Year of Peace was recognized in 1986 by the United Nations . It was first proposed during the UN conference of November, 1981 by the United Nations Economic and Social Council , with a date associated with the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of the UN.(Wikipidea)
And nothing happened as we ALL know!!!
Don't worry folks, he's only got five posts left for today....
UN is toothless organization that cannot do much without USA If USA will decide to end this nonsense, there wont be UN.
In another 500 years there will still be superstitious people making these doomsday predictions. It is a sad part of human nature to think/hope some sort of doomsday will occur magically in their own lifetime.
8th King Rising
Sounds like a really good book.
Well JWs did call the first two UN placements and abyss rise in 1919 and 1945 as significant prophecy, respectively.
Thus Bethel bypassing the 3rd UN placement of 1990, the one they became UN NGO for instead, is of course suspect. Now THREE global war cycles in some form all resolved for? UN RELATED PRESENTATIONS! WW1, WW2 and the Cold War.
The significance is the Bethel apostates are bypassing a very important THIRD cycle that concluded in 1990 as the Cold War to present the 3rd UN placement as the "new world order" objective.
Thus if Bethel was not a UN allied subversion entity (Dan11:29-32a,41) JWs would know:
1. There are now 3 active UN cycles that concluded into a global UN presentation in 1919, 1945 and 1990; and all of them are foretold.
2. A FOURTH global cycle would now be logical, intuitive and prophetic. (Dan11:42-45)
Thus the "tribulation of those days" is actually that fourth cycle coming up and it will resolve (Matt24:29) into the full Revelation 11:7 (repeat fulfillment) parallel Revelation 17:8-18 "wildbeast" "abyss ascension" into, this time, WORLD GOVERNMENT (8th King/King North) and the UN "image nucleus" as one global mega-entity.
Now we see rather than explain a FOURTH CYCLE requirement, and that ALL FOUR UN presentations are prophetic, JWs missed the third UN placement by Bethel subversion in 1990 and INSTEAD Bethel is selling JWs the premature "the end" expectation instead. That is the same delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 "to the effect Jehovah's day is here". That keeps JWs deceived as to fourth cycle reality with a delusion for a great hoax soon.
Thus Bethel is bypassing the fact the APOSTASY AT BETHEL has to be revealed long before the true end. (2Thess2:1-4) A fourth UN global tribulation cycle, which will find the UN impotent and inactive (maybe even "struck"), once again, by design, will instead unfold over the next 7 to 14 years (from final cycle actual commencement, now unknown) rolling to actual world government to be presented when that final cycle ends (over several final years as Daniel 12 replication).
This is why the "tribulation of those days" ends BEFORE Christ arrives (Matt24:29) for that "tribulation of those days" "abyss" resolves into 8th King world government "ascension". (Dan11:44-45 parallels Rev11:7 and Rev17:8-18);
Now we know why and how Bethel is the final marked apostasy for they break the first two UN placements among Jehovah's witnesses that would connect to the final two UN placements as a UN 1-2-3-4 continuum as Daniel 11:27-45 is ALL actually 8th King "King North" activity that Bethel also conceals with the USSR impossibility even after the USSR failed Daniel 11:36 success requirement. It is the 8th King, OBVIOUSLY, who must be also "King North" and purposeful dolt Bethel merely tows the deceptive party line. (Dan8:12)
Instead the temple judgment comes on JWs first, not "Babylon the Great". (1Pet4:17) and that will begin the FOURTH and final cycle (as Dan11:42-45), not "the end" by a long shot—in fact all Rev8-11 REPEATS, JWs and their original cycle explained since 1914-1919 significance were a preview, the "dress rehearsal".