if they are going to replace the local needs with feel good interviews of our "friends". what are they going to do for marking talks? now we will not know that a situation "has been handled" by the elders. also the congregation will not be warned of the young ones running, teens texting, young adults drinking and going to clubs.
our hall has barely had a local needs part anyway in a number of years. but they were always fun to hear and try to figure out who they were talking about.
on that note, the service meeting has been horribly unbareable to attend especially since they added the 3rd meeting to the night. and put the schedule in the OKM. super basic material, and our elders and MS body is pretty much the most drab group of guys (no old guys, though) you will ever find. plus we have a few that english is not their primary language.
atleast now no one thinks twice if i am "looking up all the info on my phone", or maybe i am browsing twitter, IG, Facebook, or following the game on my phone. boy meeting have actually got easier to go to.