New December KM with changes all over

by pixel 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hoser

    I'm glad I quit the school. Mrs. hoser is seriously thinking of quitting too

  • 4thgen

    Funny, they didn't mention they had to change the song book because of the big dick on the back cover! Add three new songs, remove penis....good deal.

  • OneEyedJoe

    This business with the song book seems like it may be a test to see if they can get the flock to either use a tablet for all literature, or print thier own literature. When they do release the song book, they'll encourage people not to get one if they have other means of accessing the songs. If they don't sell very many song books, they'll know they've been successful. The next step will be to do the same thing with new releases that aren't intended for use in service (i.e. the god's kingdom rules book, or the next book about some OT prophet) - release online only for 6-12 months, then make the book available to the congregations just before it is to be studied. All this will allow them to reduce costs tremendously.

  • hoser

    ya one eyed joe

    I think its all about encouraging forcing everyone to buy a tablet or print the crap off at home and download the cost on the publishers

  • Justnowout

    @joe - agreed 100% On the song book trial

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    How delighted we are that so many of our children read well! Parents are to be commended for their loving efforts to help their children become good readers.

    How revolutionary of JWs to stress the value of reading to their children. The rest of the world should seek to emulate them in the education of the young.

  • OneEyedJoe

    How revolutionary of JWs to stress the value of reading to their children. The rest of the world should seek to emulate them in the education of the young.

    Just so long as the education stops once they can read the watchtower (i.e. 5th grade level)

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    the arrangement for congregations to use the first Saturday of each month to concentrate on starting Bible studies will be discontinued.

    This, despite the staggering success rate.

  • piztjw

    A New Feature of Assignment No. 3 for Brothers:.....Usually the school overseer will assign an assistant and the setting. The assistant should be a member of the student’s family or a brother in the congregation. Elders may choose their own assistant and setting. Undoubtedly, it will be encouraging for the congregation to see elders demonstrate the art of teaching with a family member or another brother.

    And once again it becomes obvious that the eldurrs think themselves above the R&F! Jack-asses!!

  • Syme

    I gave a good laugh with the 2 minutes the speaker has for the Bible highlights!

    In 2016 School (if there are jws), the part will be reduced to "1 minute or less"

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