Article: Inside the Jehovah's Witnesses' British Headquarters

by AndersonsInfo 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeannette

    And that picture of the "great crowd" calmly walking away from a great tragedy behind them with no compassion for the death and destruction of people. What kind of people are they anyway? I'll tell you what kind. The kind that don't need to be in a "paradise earth". Of course it's fictional too. It's all a fraud, I think.

  • Simon

    They are really opening up to the media like never before - obviously not being honest with them, but using the media to appear appealing and mainstream.

    The old WTS would never have given interviews like this or taken part in a media article being written about them. This is all slick corporate PR and promotional stuff.

    They are still liars but less amateur than they used to be. I wonder which PR firm they paid to do all this branding and media work and how much they are spending on it?

  • zeb

    What! "not shunned" crap! What planet is he on? Shunning is a regular tool used it starts at minor levels and builds from there. ie Answer up in the wt study saying something not to the 'party line' and by such answers/you will labelled a 'murmurer. So labelled the advice will go out from the platform not to associate with you. Its about control.

  • Vidiot

    "They are not disfellowshipped or shunned simply because they no longer wish to associate with Jehovah’s Witnesses."


    He's implying that XJWs, by "no longer wishing to associate with JWs", are the ones doing the actual shunning.

    You guys remember back when when they proudly admitted and defended the disfellowshipping/shunning policy?

    The fact that they consistently attempt to deceive the public about it nowadays tells me one thing, and one thing only...

    ...deep down, whether they want to stop doing it or not, they're ashamed of it.

  • Xanthippe
    It tells me their lawyers are worried.
  • TTATTelder

    Just a straight out lie. "Spiritual Warfare" at its best.

    "Spiritual Warfare" = Lie for the Lord.


  • Phizzy
    Correction : Spiritual Warfare = Lie to cover the Corporate Arse.
  • pepperheart
    Some info about london bethel
  • 1Averagejoe
    Some Pr! Someone with the facts of what's really going on should interview the ones at the top, and get them live defending their actions expose them. Michael Moore-like. Then we'll see how many volunteer to stand next to carts with their literature. Then again that too may backfire into "persecution" claims.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Sounds like they got drift of the inquiry going on by Royal Charity Commission in Australia over their uncharitable treatment of members and former member belonging to this scam charity. No doubt they were informed as what to say to any news source about shunning policies from headquarter maybe even filling them in on some of the trouble they need to avoid.

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