The other day we went to our friends business to have our computer worked on. Our friend was raised a JW but never got baptized and left when he was in his late teens. Any way we started talking about the new and the new TV show they have. He said his mother told him his sister is coming up to our town at the end of the month so she can go to the KH with her mother to watch the GB on the big screen at their KH. The reason his sister is doing this is because her KH has not yet bought the stuff to watch GB TV locally. All our friend had to say was "This is going to be a great tool to further mind control those at the KH". I agreed. I told him I feel if you don't show up for the show you will soon have elders coming to you questioning you on why you missed the presentation of GB TV? Soon this person could be considered spritual weak and maybe be mark by the elders. A great way to weed out the non-believers and the weak ones. I may be wrong but this could be the reason for this new GB TV. Still Totally ADD
Heard it from a friends JW mother
by Still Totally ADD 21 Replies latest jw friends
So is there going to be a special meeting once a month, which will show the one hour presentation from the govering body?
The Searcher
"I told him I feel if you don't show up for the show you will soon have elders coming to you questioning you on why you missed the presentation of GB TV? Soon this person could be considered spritual weak and maybe be mark by the elders."
Absolutely brilliant!!!!!!
I said exactly this to my wife a couple of days ago. By not attending a Glorious One's televised talk, we will stand out.
In our last cong, we received questioning comments about not attending the recorded video of the zone visit to the UK.
I guess we can expect worse.
I second alanv's question. Are they showing GB TV as part of organized meetings at the hall? I thought GB TV was just for personal use.
Still Totally ADD
alanv I don't know if they are going to do this every month but it does sound like it. All know is what my friend had to say. Magnum I do feel this will become part of their organized meetings once a month. After all why not, this is a great way to control people. It's just not for personal use. Right on The Searcher we should expect the worse. I am just surprised this is just happening now I thought of this idea about 10 years ago when I was still deep into the Cult. But then computers and GB TV was al bad. LOL Still Totally ADD
Nothing about regular, monthly showings has been announced yet, but I do agree it's plausible as a future development. Right now the only planned broadcast we know about is the Zone visit in the next month.
Still Totally ADD
Glad to here it Apognophos. Just remember I live in PA 70 miles north of where it all started. In JW world doesn't that have some deep meaning? LOL Still Totally ADD
The Mormons have been on this for years as some may have noted already.
Years back I was invited to go to the local meeting place on the U. of Arkansas campus to watch a televised tie-in to their General Conference where, among other talks, their Living Prophet spoke to the LDS faithful.
Check out "October 2014 LDS General Conference" online and see what may be the future for JWs.
ADD: Well, I think the distance by train from PA to the Society's buildings in NY once had special meaning, so sure, why not? It's the perfect, heavenly number 7 times 10 for completeness!
The JW's are in full cult morph mode. If they start a monthy GB presentation in all KH's there will eventually be some type of act of obesiance to the Governing Body.