The dead man is Gaspard Menga, a Jehovah's Witness who was the first person to contract Ebola in 1995. The people around him, are his family. Within a month, most of the ones on this picture were dead from Ebola. It was because of Gaspard that we now know that African burial rites are a mayor cause in spreading Ebola.
Here's one of the many articlles written by Laurie Garrett on this case:
"The Menga family photos are more than just reminders of one family's loss. They may show the moment when a single sorrow turned into an outbreak that would grab the attention of public health officials worldwide and kill more than 120 people before apparently coming under control last week."
Laurie Garret said in her book, Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health:
"Because the first person to contract Ebola in January 1995 was Gaspard Menga, a Jehovah's Witness, it was widely suggested among the majority Catholic population that the epidemic constituted God's revenge for deviant beliefs and behaviors."