WT asking people to sell and uproot life to help w/ temporary building projects...

by EndofMysteries 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • clarity

    Doesn't the bible say ...not to put your trust in men!

  • WTWizard

    And for what? What is going to be better, going to Israel on a stupid mission (where it is not even safe--it might be safe for tourists, but not missionaries), or having a monster box of silver, when the dollar crashes and burns? Or, giving up your home for a part in building something stupid that will probably be torn down in a few years? That abomination at 90 Sands Street--whatever happened to that piece of sxxx? To quit one's job and sell out just for that rubbish is stupid, and they are going to have zero silver and gold, zero barter skills, and even zero in toilet paper cash when hyperinflation strikes. Or, when a good old fashioned health crisis strikes. Where will their joke-hova be then?

  • hoser

    This happened to one of my cousins And his wife. They were "encouraged" by a family friend circuit overseer to sell their business and house when they were in their mid thirties to go pioneer in some backwoods town up north. Fast forward 15 years they are broke, resentful and starting over with nothing at 50 years of age.

  • designs

    1975 no kidding..


    What a bunch of A-holes...


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    My husband and I did exactly that in 1991 when they needed to build 90 Sands in Brooklyn. I felt just like all those couples mentioned and was sure that Jehovah would provide if and when we left. We sold everything except what we could fit in our 1984 Hond Civic.

    All I can say looking back is what a fool I was and what fools they are.

    I literally prayed by brains our begging Jehovah for help, for a place to go, etc. Jehovah did not provide anything for us when we left, not even a congregation that wanted us. Many in the hall we went to looked down on us for being so stupid. It was such an eye opener to how much there is a huge lack of love in this religion. No one offered us anything, any help, a place to stay NOTHING. One sister did offer us her home for $200.00 over the going rent in the area and it was full of her junk which we were suposed to live with. Literarlly it was full of boxes and boxes of her stuff that we were just suposed to put up with. She was bat beep crazy. Here we were just out from Bethel and no jobs. She was offeded that we did'nt jump on her kind offer.

    I was in my mid 20's and very idealistic, all I can say is that someone in their 40's, 50's, and 60's should definitely know better and they are headed for ruin. Now I can kind of understand why some in the hall looked at us like they did.

    And now looking back I realize that 90 Sands was just for them to make money off. What a joke it all was, I gave up so much. So many years that I could have been making money to take care of myself in old age instead of having to work so hard now. Those people are just such fools.


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Another thing they fail to mention is that a lot of those couples who are in their 40's to 60's have worked full time jobs or at least the husband has while the wife pioneered, they have pensions and other money coming in from investments. So they are not going to Bethel with nothing like we did.

    I know ALL the couples that were in their 40's, 50's and 60's we when we were there for 90 Sands had outside money coming in, most still owed their homes and rented them out or had the money from the sale of their home sitting in a bank account. No one who was older just came on a prayer and the hope that Jehovah would pick it up for them. My husband and I were one of the few truly stupid persons that bought into the garbage in the Watchtower.

    Also Gill Nazroff who was head of the building program at the time and a real jerk we soon found out, told just my husband and I on our first day at Bethel to expect nothing from anyone. Gill said that he was 'so sick of people selling off everything and then running out of money and getting mad at Bethel for putting them in such a place.' Gill said 'no one made them come.' 'That Bethel even recived letters from ones who were broke with nothing and no one to help them asking Bethel why Jehoivah was not helping them.' But Gill told us 'it was not Bethel's fault nor Bethel's place to help them.'

    I wonder why they do not put Gill's comments in the WT?

    I was so stupid and even though Gill said that right off the bat on the first day to us I still thought Jehovah would help. In hindsight if Jehovah was involved it was Jehovah telling us to RUN. I was to stupid to see it.


  • flipper

    This just makes me want to puke. Disgusting how this billion $$$ organization takes advantage of it's members. I'm glad I'm out. 11 years now. I saved my own soul

  • OnTheWayOut

    LITS, I hear ya. Your retellings always get to me, as you say it straight out.

    Even if some are holding assets of some kind, they are still falling for the idea that Jehovah rewards those who do everything for the giant publishing corporation. The members make all the sacrifices so that "Mother" can use her millions for pedophile lawsuits and try to expand into the computers and televisions as printing dies off.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks OTWO. It helps to talk about it now as it still hurts so much now that I allowed myself to be so duped into a lie and to see that they are still at it, it just makes me sick.

    In all honesty there were parts of Bethel I loved. We came from serving were the need was great and it was the congreagtion from HELL. We did not have a life, marriage, anything. My husband was at the beck and call of anyone in the hall. Most of that hall was crazy, mentally ill with doctor's care. It was horrible. I even went to the CO and told him I was losing it and he got ticked off telling me that 'Jehovah was using my husband now in the hall and I could have a marriage in the new system that was going to happend very soon.'

    So going to Bethel was like getting out of prison. We could finally eat dinner together as a couple even if it meant being at a table with 8 other people it was so much better than where I had come from. As busy as we were at Bethel it was nothing compared to how busy we were in that crazy hall.

    Bottom line we were used but we were used less at Bethel than serving were the need was great. But still it just frosts me to see they lying like they did 20 years ago to get people to come build 90 Sands. In five ten years they will lay off again, until they find a new need.


    PS sorry about my spelling. I try to proff it but when I look back it's horrible. I just get so upset on some topics that my fingers move faster than I realize and I am just a horrible speller to begin with. After all I was not allowed to go to high school as the new system was going to happen before I would finsh 30 plus years ago.

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