I think I've finally been disfellowshipped

by Godsendconspirator 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Godsendconspirator

    It wasn't my preferred method of leaving but at least I'm as far as I can be from this cult. Over 2 years ago I've tried to fade out but I guess I did it too drastically. I live in NYC so the entire territory is walkable and everybody in the congregation live pretty close by. I wanted to keep ties with the people in the congregation but so far I've seen how much of their love is conditional and it annoyed/anger me so much I'm glad I don't talk to them anymore. Luckily I don't have any family in this religion. Every time I walk down the streets I see one of the brothers or sisters and I get interrupted when I eat in a diner, take the train or come home from work.

    About a month ago, an elder and the CO came to my door (uninvited of course). The CO showed me a verse in the bible showing reasons why one might leave the congregation and asked me if I saw any one of those reasons in me. I said "I don't see myself in any of these examples", which I guess surprised them because they weren't able to respond. I assume they thought of the conversation going a different way.

    Since then, nobody has stopped me in the streets. They pretend I'm not there and it feels so good! I can take walks around my neighborhood again peacefully. The other day I was smoking a cigarette and walking home and I passed by a sister but she said nothing. She just looked down and kept walking.

    I'n so relieved! Now it's like I was never in this cult! I always did hate it whenever somebody said "Hey we missed you.". I would respond "You have my number. Let's hang out." Never got a call and now hopefully never will

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Congrats, now get on with living again, here, now, none of that future blessings bullshit.

  • Divergent

    I get the leaving part, but I don't get the smoking part. Why would you want to pick up that habit?

  • Oubliette

    GSC: I've seen how much of their love is conditional

    All of it is.

    When you see them on the street or in a diner be yourself and say, "Hey! How are you? It's great to see you! ..... So what's up? Are you ingnoring me? What's wrong with you? ... Wow, just wow!"

    Make 'em own their shit.

  • skeeter1

    Great! Just in time for trick-or-treating! LOL.

    Enjoy being set free.


  • Godsendconspirator

    Just kidding, I started smoking when I started doubting the organization in order to try new things that I normally wouldn't. Now it's just a habit.

  • goingthruthemotions


    Embrace life to the fullest without a weight called the JWCULT


  • humbled

    I enjoyed hearing how the visit with the CO went: "None of the above". Sweet.

    Yep--They didn't contact me either to say whether or not I had been "announced". I texted an elder one night to see what had happened. Said I'd been announced a while ago.

    I went downtown and had a beer in a bar--just me alone--to celebrate.

    but it sounds like you are OUT with no need to ask--but get on with the rest of your life.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    I don't think they can disfellowshipped without you knowing. At lease a phone call or a letter. Unless the elder books says something new about it. Still Totally ADD

  • LostGeneration

    Yeah they should notify you especially if you are so easy to find, maybe you were marked?

    Either way, congrats!

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