I just checked the JW.ORG website and noticed an article about the JW response to Ebola. As I suspected, the ENTIRE focus was on alerting and educating JW MEMBERS about Ebola.Just like in other disaster situations, the JW Organization almost exclusively assists it's own members, ignoring the general public. It seems their main concern is keeping their members healthy so they can CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE JW MESSAGE DOOR TO DOOR!!! To me this JW.ORG article confirms my belief that The Witnesses ultimately only care about their own members and nobody else. After all, the non- JWs are just going to die at Armageddon anyway, so why bother with them. And the article is quick to report how many WITNESSES have died from Ebola, as if only their deaths are noteworthy. Anyway, check out the article about Ebola on JW.ORG. See what you think.
by NAVYTOWN 26 Replies latest jw friends
As is recorded in the NT, jesus cared for the multitudes not just the select.
JWs are so hypocritical.
If they believe they are chritian, why the distinctiin. They have plenty of bucks not just loaves and fishes.
JW's solution to famine? Drop a few Watchtowers.
JW's solution to hurricanes? Drop a few Watchtowers.
JW's solution to 9/11? Drop a few Watchtowers.
JW's solution to horrible deaths? Drop a few Watchtowers.
JW's solution to Ebola? Drop a few Watchtowers.
There is no mention in that article as to how the JWs go about their door to door work.
There ain't much "D2D" goin' on in my neighbourhood. I am full time work from home now. They aren't knockin'.
Well, it seems that people living there appreciate the efforts.
InquiryMan, the news article is written by a Jehovah's Witness living in Canada. I seriously doubt that we can trust that he actually truthfully represent the locales over there.
Anyone can become a journalist on that site and by no means represents a truthful journalistic work. If you take the time to review his articles, none of them report anything bad about the witnesses and yet, he reports negative things about the catholic church.Therefore, I confidentialy call BS on this news article.
here is the link to his Digital Journal profile: http://www.digitaljournal.com/user/539828
The news Digital Journal article mainly sites what the witnesses have said themselves in a press release. The only outside source actually sited is the "AllAfrica" website that praises the efforts of the "UN Women" organization who is using local organizations such as the witnesses. However, if you listen to the witnesses, they are the center of attention of it all.
If the W.T is still pushing DtoD and Meeting attendance, then they themselves will spread the virus.
Disgustingly irresponsible.
Separation of Powers
The fact that they only help "their own" is another aspect that draws people in. When the world is crashing around you and you realize that nobody but the Red Cross is helping the general population but the JW's are getting help from their people, you may well see the need to become a JW.