So in the last couple of months we lost Robin Williams and Joan Rivers and I have heard something a lot. I bet they are loving the comedy shows in Heaven, or they are now performing with no pain and so on. So is this the image Christians have of heaven, that what you are on earth is what you will be doing in Heaven? So if you ditch dig here, you ditch dig there? As that is what is being said here, in one sense or another. Like many things that Christians say, this too makes no sense!
Heaven, where you are?
by free2beme 11 Replies latest jw friends
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Dammit there better not be windows in heaven.
The whole 'Heaven' myth is just made-up nonsense. Humans don't 'go anywhere' when they die.....they are just dead, forever. The belief in 'Heaven' is just another way to rationalize the fact that everyone and everything dies at some point. The best approach is to forget the fairy tales and live the one life you will ever have NOW, in the present. This is it, folks. Stop obsessing about an 'afterlife' and make the most of your current life.
The whole 'Heaven' myth is just made-up nonsense. Humans don't 'go anywhere' when they die.....they are just dead, forever. The belief in 'Heaven' is just another way to rationalize the fact that everyone and everything dies at some point. The best approach is to forget the fairy tales and live the one life you will ever have NOW, in the present. This is it, folks. Stop obsessing about an 'afterlife' and make the most of your current life.
NAVYTOWN, Um, so what makes you the authority on this? You speak as if you difinitely know what you say is based on proven fact? I respect the fact that you have an opinion, but that's all it is. Just an opinion. Other's do have an opinion on the "afterlife" that certainly differ with yours and just making the comment to everyone that "humans don't go anywhere when they die..... they are just dead forever" is a disproven belief that you have. You cannot prove or disrpove what you say, it's just an opinion.
Sam Whiskey
Just WHAT IS IT with Christian bashing for goodness sake? Do you somehow feel victorious that can hide behind your keyboard rag on Christians? Bet you wouldn't say that crap to my face, and I am Christian. I assure you, you would not say that to my face.... I'm sick of the bashing, it's got to stop.
It's time an alternate opinion was expressed to counteract the all-pervasive Religious Myth about Life after Death. I'm not just bashing Christians.....Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc all have various explanations about 'life after death'. All are in my opinion made-up excuses for not facing up to the reality that life ends at Death. I firmly believe there is nothing after we die. We are dead and gone, that's it. It's just as valid to say there is NO afterlife as it is to say there IS an afterlife. Neither can be proven. But I state my beliefs with no apologies. Take what I say, or leave it. But I will continue to express my opinion. PS: There is no 'god' up in 'Heaven'.
Sam Whiskey
Like I said, "Grow Up". I don't believe in life after death either, but I don't berate people who do. In fact I support them because it is their belief system, at least they believe. Decent people respect others, you sir do not posess that capacity along with the others of your ilk.
Poeple are drawn to a God of compassion. You have just proven to all onlookers that you have nothing to offer. God wins, you lose.
I'm right here!
I thought this thread was about you, until I read the OP Glad you're still here.
I thought this thread was about you, until I read the OP Glad you're still here.
Awww... thanks MissFit. Glad you're still here too. I am stoked that you used the gangsta piglet pic.
As to the Heaven myth, yep, homo sapiens are the only species that dreamed this up to placate themselves about death.