JW Statistics

by Giordano 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Onager

    You could look at it this way: From 1960 to 2012 the peak publishers increased by 6,817,177 people.

    in the same time period the world population increased by 3.9 billion people.*

    Do you recall the character in one of Douglas Adams' Hitcherbooks called Wowbagger the infinitely prolonged? He was trying to personally insult everyone in the universe... The joke being that in the time he spent insulting one person, thousands more people had been born in that moment.

    It's a bit like that. :)

    * http://www.geohive.com/earth/his_history3.aspx

  • Giordano

    Splash, unfortuately those files are not available anymore.

    Old Hippie it's the trend I was interested in. For instance the Partakers hit a low of 8617 in 1993 then begins to rise year in and out.

    When I was in (mid 1950's to mid 1960's) numbers were all important. The fastest growing, the world wide ministry etc. etc. If one checks the numbers of other Christian groups it's evident that the WTBTS is a failure on many levels.

  • KateWild

    I found it interesting to see the fall and rise of partakers too, and compare them to number of publishers. Thanks jwfacts.com for your hard work. Kate xx

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