Of COURSE there were nice nazis! As long as you were Aryan had blonde hair blue eyes and no gypsy or jüdenblut. They were kind to their german neighbours, sharing kaffe mit klunjes torte und küchen. They cared for the wounded, and brought their kids up to believe in sound nazi values. AS LONG AS YOU WERE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BARBED WIRE FENCE.
I cringe at how I thought it was righteous to cut people dead in the street, and soo many other winceworthy things, even praying for Armageddon, not caring about the millions and millions of kids who would be slaughtered because their parents didnt buy a Witchtower comic. WHO IN HELL wants a vicious psychopath for a "god".
My point was not that JWs are LIKE the nazis, simply they believe in a similar doctrine of hate and mass annihilation of the OTHER. Therefore, ultimately evil.