Most Jdubs are nice people, not really evil - give us all a break from this

by hamsterbait 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hamsterbait

    Of COURSE there were nice nazis! As long as you were Aryan had blonde hair blue eyes and no gypsy or jüdenblut. They were kind to their german neighbours, sharing kaffe mit klunjes torte und küchen. They cared for the wounded, and brought their kids up to believe in sound nazi values. AS LONG AS YOU WERE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BARBED WIRE FENCE.

    I cringe at how I thought it was righteous to cut people dead in the street, and soo many other winceworthy things, even praying for Armageddon, not caring about the millions and millions of kids who would be slaughtered because their parents didnt buy a Witchtower comic. WHO IN HELL wants a vicious psychopath for a "god".

    My point was not that JWs are LIKE the nazis, simply they believe in a similar doctrine of hate and mass annihilation of the OTHER. Therefore, ultimately evil.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think most JWs are not evil at all. They are just victims of thst cult.

    I read this yesterday and somewhat agreed with the ideas of the OP, but had to return to it today and disagree, as many have. People have the tendency to get "caught up" in the moment. "Good people" on both sides do "evil" things during war. They buy into the propaganda that is pumped out by the leadership on both sides.

    So it is with JWs. They are constantly drinking the KoolAid propaganda of the WTS. They are constantly reminded that apostates are "wicked" and DFd members are "wicked" and worldly people are "wicked" and inactive members are "bad association" etc etc. They hear this message repeatedly and it is from GOD so it must be true.

    You were once there so you know it to be true.


  • Justnowout

    Hmmmmm...... So, hamster, does that mean that you were evil when you were a dubbie....? At what point did you stop being evil....? At what point did nazi's stop being evil, if ever? Is there any possiblity that a current dubbie could stop being evil? If so, when?

  • designs

    I don't see JWs as evil in the active sense of taking up weapons and harming others, even if the GB said to do something.

  • punkofnice

    JWs are victims of the evil of the WBT$.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Every time a dub says: "I can't wait for Armageddon to come", he's really saying: "I hope God would hurry up and kill my neighbors already so I can rummage through their homes and pick out the best one".

    This religion breeds evil...

  • Justnowout

    @caleb- theres a strong level of assumption in what you say. I said that everyday as a dubbie, but never once gave thought to the goolish aspect of going through dead peoples belongings. I wanted the world to be a panda petting paradise and trusted the desert god to judge people in righteousness.

  • done4good

    I stayed away from this thread for a couple of days, quite frankly, it pissed me off...

    Now that I have calmed down a bit, let me explain to you why your premise is plain wrong.

    Yes, the JW do some "evil" things. It is unatural, antisocial, and ultimately extremely hurtful to people to shun them, for example. The same can be said for the blood doctrine or any number of harmful things JW do to themselves, and others.

    Performing those acts no more makes them evil in of themselves as would have being a German citizen who was manipulated into joining the Nazi party in the 1930s would have been intrinsically evil. The entire German nation then was not "evil". This has been said already, but it bears repeating. Having a black and white view such as the OP is very dangerous, and ends up with bigotry and hatred all of its own. These are the very types of lessons we are supposed to learn from history, or we are doomed to repeat them.

    You were a JW once. I was a JW once. At what point did you become "not evil"???


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