How do Jehovah's Witnesses get around this one?

by runForever 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • runForever

    “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned."

    According to Jehovah's Witnesses this only applies to the annointed brothers of Christ. They say only the anointed who are the spiritual brothers of

    Christ are part of the body of Christ or in Christ. So here is the question: If the ultra-anointed, ultra-spiritually blessed and holy brothers that rule with Christ and alone have the testimony of the spirit of God that they are his children need to part of the true vine which is Jesus or else be chopped off and burned where does that leave the common Jehovah's Witness? Doesn't that mean they can't bear any fruit because they are not part of the vine -

    "apart from me you can do nothing"? Or am I wrong? :)

  • sparrowdown

    They would probably say that "common" or garden variety JWs bear fruit

    as long as they associate with Christ's brothers who are part of the vine.

    Or some such crap like that.

    Either way they don't have to explain nothin to no one.

  • runForever

    Sparrowdown: you are right. I forgot the conclusion of the matter after everything being heard is Jehovah's Witnesses are right and we are wrong, or am I wrong?

  • punkofnice

    They don't get around anything. They don't have to. They wait on Jehovah(tm) to use his mouthpiece the Governing Body(R) to tell them what they have to believe. There is little rational thought process in a mind controlling cult.

  • TheOldHippie

    The parable does not only apply to rthe anointed, check

  • KateWild

    I got round it by saying I was annointed, those verses always troubled me and gave me CD. The elders told me I wasn't, the whole bible is nonsense anyway. Plenty of Chritians throughout the world believe they are anointed too.

    Now I get round it by believing, there is no such thing as holy spirit or anointed.

    Kate xx

  • Crazyguy

    What scriptures are quoting? What's interesting is when you back them into a corner they say well the nt was only written for the anointed. But then when they want to lord over you it applies to the rank and file too.

  • runForever

    Crazyguy: john 15 whole chapter and that is true. OldHippie: Thanks for that, I guess they are trying to say there is a rubboff effect as in if you associate by

    osmosis you will have fruits.

    insight says this about anointed ones regarding the body of christ:

    "One who is an anointed member of the Christian congregation, the body of Christ, and who commits fornication is taking a member of the Christ away and making that one a member of a harlot."

    but just down from there it says this about non anointed "followers":

    "One who is a member of the body of Christ, as well as other dedicated persons who are associated with these spiritually begotten body members, must avoid not only physical fornication but also spiritual fornication."

    so they are saying in fact that if you are not anointed you are not part of Christ's body.

    KateWild: out of curiosity why do you think the bible is nonsense?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Scripturally there is no such thing as a 'non-anointed Christian'. Being a 'true Christian' and being born again are concomitant in scripture. All first century Christians were 'anointed' and all partook of the emblems. Then 1900 years later Judge Rutherford decided he knew better and dreamed up a whole new class of non-anointed true Christians. JW's prefer to believe booze Rutherford over what Jesus and the apostles taught.

  • designs

    yadda- no one today knows exactly what all the various followers of Jesus believed back then since so many documents have been destroyed by the group that had the greatest political social and muscle power.

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