Will the G.B.ever send a letter encouraging their members to go preach in Muslim lands ?
by smiddy 10 Replies latest jw friends
Dont you hate it when you press the wrong button ? CHEEESUSSSS ......And no I havent had a drink.
Seeing a good part of the earths population is under the control or influence of muslims and jehovahs witnesses beleive they have an obligation to preach in all the world , for a witness to all the nations , going from door to door as they beleive is commanded to them by Jesus and the Apostles , then why are they avoiding going from door to door in muslim dominated countries .? Dont they beleive what they preach ? or is it fear of man ? Or is it just another expose of hypocricy on their part .
Their are nearly 2 billion muslims on this earth now who will not hear the so called life saving message of jehovahs witnesses.
Will they all be resurrected after the GT / Armageddon ?
What are your thoughts
Psst, on the quiet, I think Witnesses already think an underground work is currently underway. .....
That's the short answer. We all know that there's no money in it for the WBT$ as those people have already got a religio-political system they will likely not depart from.
Sometime someone posted about where JWs are operating and mentioned that no JWs are available in Muslim countries. Unfortunately this is wrong.
JWs are spread in several countries and to my knowledge Britain Branch oversees the work in Gulf countries, Italy/France North African - not sure who oversees the Asian Muslim countries.
The method they use to preach, D2D or informal, is dictated based on the countries strictness and local authority approval. The aim is make a noise, and this is getting easier now with the JW.org and tv.jw.org. All they need to do is send the link to someone and leave it to their curiosity.
I remember one ZO mentioning that there is no need to physically preach, as long as they know about us and what we are doing we can wash their blood of our hands and it is their problem when they will be judged.
They follow Jesus advice to be wise as snakes and innocent as doves or as the NWT states it: so prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves.
Da Furious
How to make a JW'S head roll? Send them to a Muslim country to preach their crazy brand of religious drivel to a bunch of fanatic freaks who's religious fanaticism is 100 times worse. Would the Corp be that cruel?
It is against the secular/religious law to try to convert muslims to another religion. Some countries have severe penalties. The WTS has historically encouraged jws to do it in a setting at home, at dinner, informally.
The WTS explains that they avoid breaking secular laws if possible. Why do you think segregation laws persisted in the US and South Africa in the WTS?
They could use such assignments as a loyalty test for suspected apostates. a win-win situation for the wt.
Loyalty tests only for the jw peons, especially women and children. Reference Malawi.
This is there way of extending the big "A"