Lockheed: Limitless Energy?

by metatron 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    A prototype for testing in a year? There have been a number of claims about fusion reactors in the past year but this seems the most bold.

    There are also claims about a new battery that recharges in a couple minutes and lasts 20 years.

    However it happens, I continue to hope for humanity.


  • pbrow

    Another example of why we live in the greatest time in human history! To bad allah is going to ruin it all any day now....


  • jonza

    The battery claim wasn't that it would run on a single charge for 20 years.. it was that it could keep being recharged over and over for 20 years... most batteries today only have a limited number of charge cycles before they stop being able to be charged effectively. Being charged in just a few minutes is awesome though.

    The fusion prototype sounds very interesting. Fusion really would solve the worlds energy crisis, it would be clean and yeilds massive amounts of energy. There is a famous phrase however: "fusion technology is 30 years away... and always will be"

  • designs


  • baltar447

    I'll put on my my tinfoil hat, and say that I think the jig is up. The world has gotten to a point where we NEED this tech and it's finally seeing the light of day. We need to desperately get off oil, and this ISIS thing is the straw that broke the camel's back. Meddling in the middle east has backfired so badly that we need to cut off their source of income. Unlimited clean energy would surely accomplish that.

  • metatron

    I agree. There have been credible stories about black budget programs at Lockheed for many years. This comes out of an area loaded with security and top secret clearances.

    It suggests that some very powerful people have made a huge decision about the world's future. It would not be credible to think that they do not know what disruption will follow if this is real.


  • prologos

    Oil prices are falling already to curb Isis and Russia, and any publicity will help. test first and prototype later. sun ina truck. of course. had cold fusion too out of Utah.

    The best time to live, science on the march, always doing best in wartime, hot or cold.

  • Gregor

    - gullibility

    The North American continent has enough energy to power the world for another 1000 years. It has hardly been touched because of international political intrigue and media manipulation. This has already resulted in onerous regulation of our daily lives, from light bulbs to beer can cars that get 45 mpg. ad naseum.

    The people crying 'wolf' have a huge political/financial axe to grind. Carbon emissions from fossil fuel has been the lever to capitalize on the earth's natural cycles. Global climate (pick one) warming, cooling, change, is losing credibilty because the facts do not cooperate with their "we know best" personna.

    Meanwhile, solar, wind are getting the monetary backing and they are both showing their limits and lack of practicality.

    We have many types of clean energy resources that work just fine and do not require non existant star wars technology to run our civilisation.

  • prologos

    It is great that lockheed /martin keep working on these things, the mars missions, energy. the spin-offs alone will be worth it.

    let us cheer them on.

  • Gregor

    It is great that lockheed /martin keep working on these things, the mars missions, energy. the spin-offs alone will be worth it.

    let us cheer them on.


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