I really don't understand this

by keyser soze 34 Replies latest social current

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Why, if you're a health care worker who's been exposed to the Ebola virus, would you get on an airplane and travel right after?


  • sir82

    Remember "The Stand" by Stephen King? This is starting to unfold like the first 100 or so pages.

  • clarity

    Sir82 .....no regretably I don't. Would you plse give

    us a quick run down .....love to hear it!


  • joyfulfader

    Perhaps I missed it in the article since I read it quickly but it seems as though she traveled before it was known she was exposed. As a nurse let me tell you that we are the front line and the least protected and most underpaid profession in the medical field. we don't get the luxury of saying no. We can't just call in at will. We are the first to be blamed and the last ones to be thanked. No she should have not gotten on that plane if she had knowledge of possible infection but clearly the hospital did not do its part in protecting her. Our local hospital had a scare and IMMEDIATELY shut down the ED and quarantined the hospital until it was verified that it was NOT Ebola. The medical profession and nurses specifically are in a tough situation. It is time for real and effective protection for those treating infected ones.

  • Comatose

    This is going to be a huge deal in the US... She was on a plane with people traveling everywhere and in and in airport. Shit it just got real.

  • sir82

    First 20% of so of "The Stand": A secret US military base testing germ weapons has an accidental "spill" - as scientists rush to contain it, the epidemic quickly spreads out of control and within a few weeks, over 99% of the US population is dead.

    The rest of the book is "the stand" that the good guy survivors take against the bad guy survivors.

    That 2-sentence summary doesn't do it justice of course, but if you want a review, go to Amazon.

  • SafeAtHome

    Yep, it just got real in my backyard. She traveled here to Akron to visit her mother. It has been on all our local channels nonstop since noon. Apparentley, they were told not to travel, but it was left up to their own discretion if they were showing symptoms. Man, can't begin to imagine the people she came in contact with from the time she left her home till she returned!

  • Comatose

    I'm not a panicked freak out type. I have been making fun of those people to date... But, right now I'm watching CNN. This idiot is talking about having it under control. How can they possibly know every person who has been in contact with these hospital nurses since their exposure. It can take 22 days to show symptoms. Then you have these idiots flying around the country with ebola. &$%^&^&^( This is not going to end well.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Perhaps I missed it in the article since I read it quickly but it seems as though she traveled before it was known she was exposed.

    She travelled before she started showing symptoms. But she had already come into contact with the virus.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    I am not a fatalist, nor a conspiratorialist, but something is rotten in Denmark.


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