Just in case any of you were wondering: Let's Review: It's a cult!
Let's Review: It's a cult!
by Oubliette 16 Replies latest jw friends
Witness My Fury knows
You know, I think you maybe right!!!!
Hi CG. I am right.
You completly missed the point of this post, but that's ok. Life as an ex-JW is pretty fucked up.
As least you are open to the idea that JWs are a cult!!!
yadda yadda 2
Not all agree. From the Wikipaedia article 'Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses':
Description as a "cult"
Authors Anthony A. Hoekema, Ron Rhodes [191] and Alan W. Gomes, [192] claim Jehovah's Witnesses is a religious cult. Hoekema bases his judgment on a range of what he describes as general characteristics of a cult, including the tendency to elevate peripheral teachings (such as door-to-door witnessing) to great prominence, extra-scriptural source of authority (Hoekema highlights Watch Tower teachings that the Bible may be understood only as it is interpreted by the Governing Body), a view of the group as the exclusive community of the saved (Watch Tower publications teach that Witnesses alone are God's people and only they will survive Armageddon) and the group's central role in eschatology (Hoekema says Witness publications claim the group was called into existence by God to fill in a gap in the truth neglected by existing churches, marking the climax of sacred history). [193]
Jehovah's Witnesses state that they are not a cult [194] and say that although individuals need proper guidance from God, they should do their own thinking. [195] [196] Witnesses state that they are saved by the ransom sacrifice of God's Son and undeserved kindness, that there is no one that can earn salvation. [197] American religious scholar J. Gordon Melton, [198] cult deprogrammer John Bowen Brown II, [199] and Knocking producer Joel P. Engardio also reject the claims that Witnesses are a cult. [200] [201] The two volume encyclopedia Contemporary American Religion stated: "Various critics and ex-members in recent years have wrongly labeled Jehovah’s Witnesses a 'cult.'" [202]
Yadda yadda, You completly missed the point of this post, but that's ok. Life as an ex-JW is pretty fucked up.
Take a moment and try and look at things from a more zen perspective. You're not even in the right ballpark.
You're talking apples, I'm talking orangutans.
I left you clue and you missed it. ... breadcrumbs ...
Actually I totally agree I was being sarcastic. Its not just a cult but an evil one!
If Jesus is the mediator only for the anointed, then how can he be the ransom for the R & F?
Witness My Fury
It's high time we had a thread on this very subject as I'm fed up wasting my time trying to get thru to unbalanced conspiracy nuts about ebola.
The answer to the vast majority (a recent study found it to be 92.4%) of JW related questions is and always has been but we who were in the dark didnt know it:
Let's review: It's a cult!
Some take offence each time they see this clear concise answer given, but that is their loss. Others rejoice at seeing it in all it's glory for the simple pointed answer it provides.
So when you see this bold statement, take a moment to ponder on it's brilliance.