We are in the middle of a beauty.
This ebola thing is sooo being manipulated by the Obola administration. Elections coming up in less than 3 weeks...
by Gregor 20 Replies latest jw friends
We are in the middle of a beauty.
This ebola thing is sooo being manipulated by the Obola administration. Elections coming up in less than 3 weeks...
Who the f*#k is Obola
I love conspiracy theories until they become proven....then I get angry.
designs, you are so cute when you play coy!
I wouldn't be suprised if the administration is conveniently using it. By incompantance maybe, it could be said they have caused it. By not restricting travel form those countries when it became this was a clear danger, (and by using CDC money for materials and training of the hospitals instead of things such as bike trails. True!! google it) and not checking travelers with temperature monitors getting off flights. Failure to quarrentine suspected exposed people.
Use this link to do further research, it is comprechensive http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/10/the-facts-about-ebola-funding-111820.html#.VD_ZIlfDWjE
The CDC got MORE money appropriated by congress than the President asked for. So this can not be laid to a congress holding back $$ fromthe CDC.
SO I don't know who is pulling strings. The head PR person we see speaking out for the CDC seems unable to clearly define this threat. All over professionals in hospitals have been questioning the CDCs statements of readiness. The WH and the CDC seem to have a broken communication. Incompetance. The CDC spoksperson was on national TV claiming readiness while a second person from the TX hospital staff was already confirmed with Ebola and awaiting transfer to Emory....yet this CDC spokesperson said NOTHING. Ignorance through incompetance? Direct orders to stay quiet? Which is this? The public deserves an answer.
To err on the side of caution at least until proper hospital training, and gear has been put into place is the LEAST a government can do to protect the citizans from an outbreak. This is a NO BRAINER.
Unless, of course it is an administration that caters to political correctness above ALL else.
Oh and have any of you seen the Jon Stewert clip recently blasting the campaign donation pleas from a certian specific party. Publically showing disturbing solicitation emails and stunning the audience?
In the midst of beheadings, direct threats to US soil from Isis, and now this, yet the concentration is where?
"the administration is conveniently using it" unf*#king believable....
designs, have you listened to the talking points now coming out? Yes of course, this is being used in this election. How are you finding this unbelievable? Really, I'd like to know.
As much as I dislike Obama the "administration is conveniently using it" is really a non-issue. Obama will attempt to "fix" this in whatever way he can. If it works out he will take credit and if it doesnt he will try to spin it in his favor..... No different than any president in history.
-by not restricting travel they have caused it- .....
I suppose only pre 1974 Winnebagos travel in and out of your Duck blind.