
by Jonathan Drake 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StrongHaiku

    Abraham Maslow originally described the concept of a "peak experience" as an "...overwhelming sense of pleasure, euphoria or joy, a deep sense of wonder or awe, feeling in harmony or at one with the universe, altered percepts of time and/or space, a deep feeling of love, greater awareness of beauty or appreciation, and a sense that it would be difficult or impossible to describe adequately in words."

    Many years ago, when I was a JW serving the Organization, I would have described my moments of the above as "spirituality".

    Now, all I need to do to feel the same way is look through a telescope at Jupiter, kiss my girlfriend, or watch "Superman: The Movie". I feel basically the same thing today but I no longer use the word "spiritual". Maybe simply "awesome" says it all without needing to add any supernatural baggage. My feelings didn't change, but I now attribute those feelings to how Nature works and how wonderfully (and flawed) my brain is wired.

  • punkofnice
    Naff all ever happened to me. I have experienced nothing.
  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake


    okay so, like I posted earlier I'm still finishing up this book. But Harris is defining spirituality as (if I understand correctly) the effort to find ones "self". Based on his own experience he makes a compelling argument that this one aspect of eastern philosophy, the notion that there is no such duality as self and object because there is no self, is acceptable and real.

    He does this while denouncing religion and faith. His argument is that ego is an illusion, that self is an illusion and that by trying to find ones self you can dissemble these illusions. This supposedly leads to much happier lives. He even provides some findings that meditation like this can physically effect the brain. As well as some other evidence that this is possibly legit

    It's kind of hard to summarize appropriately actually. But he makes a good argument, going so far as to suggest that the spiritual experiences of people like Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed, etc were legit but were viewed through the lens of their religious faith and thus sort of spoiled. He also says that spiritual experiences from meditation like this can be observed and proven.

    its a very interesting book. I highly suggest it, and would appreciate your educated opinion on it.

  • LisaRose
    I guess I will just have to read it, I will let you know.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower


    Your comment suggests that without what you consider a belief in a deity one becomes a selfish, hedonistic monster. It isn't supported by empirical data, which suggests the opposite.

    Quite to the contrary but what I really would hope is that that I made the point that our ancient DNA has built in a hard wired system psychologically in our unconscious that used Deities. T to understand this is of a benefit to us psychologically. Never would I use it to imply that lack of Deity worship leads debauchery.

  • prologos

    X : " -- In a more general sense, it may refer to almost any kind of meaningful activity or blissful experience. There is no single, widely-agreed definition--"

    Since the universe contains so many surprises, to me, to have a novel thought, a later certifiable unique insight, that nobody else had, is a spine-tingling, spiritual experience. linking up to what makes the cosmos tick.

  • Ruby456

    interesting thread JD. What proof re brain changes does Harris offer cos I have read something similar regarding tests that have been done on the brains of people who have been meditating. It appears that both sides of the brain synchronize and fire at optimum during what candidates report as sensations of oneness with the world and that this is very therapeutic.

  • Ruby456

    ...and me prologos and this is the reason I love studying and probably is the reason secular study is more or less banned amongst JWs. I love the feeling of resonating with the world of discovery be it through the lovely scent, texture and colour of a rose, a Jasmine blossom, honeysuckle - or be it through having one's theories verified rather than put down to test my loyalty to organisational headship - magical.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake
    What proof re brain changes does Harris offer cos I have read something similar regarding tests that have been done on the brains of people who have been meditating.

    I'll try to remember to post his reference after work.

  • Viviane
    But Harris is defining spirituality as (if I understand correctly) the effort to find ones "self". Based on his own experience he makes a compelling argument that this one aspect of eastern philosophy, the notion that there is no such duality as self and object because there is no self, is acceptable and real.

    I still don't know what that has to do with "spirit", through. Finding one's self or having new emotional experiences and seeking to understand yourself better has nothing to do with invisible, undetectable stuff that angels are supposedly made of. At that point, "spirituality" is a metaphor. Sam has just replaced one idea with a confusing word.

    its a very interesting book. I highly suggest it, and would appreciate your educated opinion on it.

    I am reading another book right now, when I am done I will try to pick this one up.

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