I haven't been here much within the last week. is there anything new in Watchtower World?
Has Anything Changed In JW Understanding Since The Annual Meeting?
by minimus 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Did not D. Splane's talk prepare for the paring of the WT doctrine of the extreme type/antitype dissecting of scripture? perhaps reducing their application to the common sense human understanding of the bible, which it is, at best, or worst, anyway?
Island Man
Gog of Magog no longer refers to satan but a coalition of nations that will attack JWs in the future. The reasoning behind this change is that the bible speaks of Gog being buried but it makes no sense to speak of satan - a spirit creature - being buried. So Gog must refer to human enemies.
It amazes me that it took them so long to see something so obvious. This is clearly not about the light getting brighter. This is about the JWs being mostly blind and only once in a while they get a lucky glimpse of reason through their blindness.
US branch has joined the Canadian branch in asking JWs to volunteer to go preach in Israel for 2+ weeks in the spring of 2015.
The view of Satan being Gog is done? Wow! Preaching in Israel is supposed to serve what purpose??
Preaching in Israel is supposed to serve what purpose??
Sends a message to Hamas, that if they don't settle down, then dubs will start setting up their literature carts in their tunnels
undercover, LOL
I am sure they will refer to the 2015 Israel preaching as the fulfillment of some "scripture."
The biggest change is that while Armageddon is still any second now, it wasn't really highlighted much at the meeting.
For some strange reason I think that many Isrealies would embrace the JW faith. Maybe Im wrong. I really dont know how Muslims would view them but at the rate people from the west are being kidnapped it would be a surprise if a witness wouldnt get kidnapped. Maybe this is what the GB want, some global press and fanfare.
Imagine the celebrity status this kidnapping event would create for the JW and, specifically, the GB. Splane or Morris on national news stating how "Jehovah will have his vengence! Jesus said his followers would face hardships" or some other BS. JW would finally be in the forefront of national and global news for something other than conventions or molestation. I can see people visiting the website in droves if this happenned. Donations would go up because of the good nature of poeple to want to help.
The JW would change, even for just a moment, from the crazy bible totting sautrday waker-uppers to courageous bold missionaries in the public eye.
Next Year in Jerusalem? for the Israel of God? Why advertise it? not a surprise coverage like in the days of the bans?