2014 May 5, BOE needed!

by Atlantis 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    Friends, we had a power outage and my 2014 May 5, BOE was lost. If you have a copy you can attach to an email and send it to us, then just send us a pm and I'll give your our email address. You may already have our address. I need it for an attorney who keeps writing to us for it.


    Many thanks!



  • Phizzy

    Bump, for this important post.

  • Atlantis

    Its this letter I need:



    As read out in all USA congregations week commencing May 5, 2014 Re: Compulsory Congregation Donations – – – – (including additional 3 page confidential information for Bodies of Elders ONLY on how to ‘solicit’ pledges from congregation members for non-existing Kingdom Hall construction projects and additional instructions that ALL congregations funds for construction work and other deposits to be handed over to the Watch Tower Society)


  • wallsofjericho

    this one?

    March 29, 2014


    Re: Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide

    Dear Brothers:

    On September 1, 1983, the Kingdom Hall Fund was created to help finance the increasing need for Kingdom Halls. For more than 30 years, this arrangement has served to expand the construction of Kingdom Halls worldwide in a tremendous way by means of Regional Building Committees and the program for lands with limited resources. Having sufficient, adequate places of worship is vital, as Jehovah continues to ‘speed up’ the gathering of “a mighty nation.” (Isa. 60:22) In order to meet these ever-increasing needs, the Governing Body has directed that an adjustment be made in the way Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction projects are financed.

    In harmony with the principle at 2 Corinthians 8:12-14, congregations will now be asked to pool their resources worldwide to support the construction of theocratic facilities wherever they are needed. Congregations and Assembly Halls will no longer be asked to repay a loan, and use of the separate contribution box labeled “Kingdom Hall Construction Worldwide” has been discontinued. Instead, all congregations will have the opportunity to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide by resolving to make a monthly donation from congregation funds. If individual publishers wish to donate specifically to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide, such donations will be accepted gladly and used wisely by the branch office. From now on, all funding for approved projects will be provided by the branch office from the funds that have been donated by you dear brothers and sisters.

    The need for Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls is greater than ever before. At this time, over 13,000 Kingdom Hall projects and 35 Assembly Hall projects are needed worldwide. Much of this need is in parts of the world where the cost of property and building materials is high. A tremendous amount of funds is needed to care for this work. However, we are confident that Jehovah will provide what is needed by your generous support. Time and again we have seen this take place. For example, it has been 24 years since we began offering literature under the donation arrangement, yet Jehovah’s blessing on this adjustment has been obvious. We are confident that by means of Jehovah’s continued blessing and the generosity of the worldwide brotherhood, the new arrangement for financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction will be a success as well.—1 Chron. 29:11-14; Ps. 127:1.

    May Jehovah continue to richly bless your hard work and loyal service as you generously support Kingdom interests.

    Your brothers,

    Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    ***PAGE TWO***

    Re: Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide March 29, 2014 Page 2

    PS to body of elders:

    At the Service Meeting for the week of April 28, 2014, the congregation should be informed that use of the contribution box labeled “Kingdom Hall Construction Worldwide” will be discontinued on May 1, 2014. and that further information will be provided at the following Service Meeting. This letter should be read to the congregation during the local needs part on the Service Meeting for the week of May 5, 2014. (Congregations having an assembly the week of May 5 should have the letter read the following week.) This postscript should not be read to the congregation, and this letter should not be posted on the information board. After the reading of the letter, either a resolution should be presented to the congregation or the survey described below should be taken. The December 7, 2009, letter to all congregations should be removed from the congregation permanent file of policy letters and be destroyed. Updated congregation accounting instructions and forms will begin to be provided in May 2014.

    Resolved donations: All congregations are asked to establish a monthly resolved donation to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide by no later than May 31, 2014.

    • What amount should be used for this new resolved monthly donation?
    The elders in congregations currently making loan repayments would likely propose a resolution that is at least the same amount as the current monthly loan repayment, keeping in mind that donations will no longer be received from the “Kingdom Hall Construction Worldwide” contribution box. The elders in congregations without loans or those having standing resolutions to support Kingdom Hall construction worldwide should take a confidential survey of all publishers to determine the amount of the new resolution. This can be done by passing out slips of paper to be filled out anonymously by the publishers indicating how much they are able to contribute monthly toward local congregation expenses, including the resolution to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide. At the time the survey is taken, it may be helpful to also review with the congregation the average monthly operating expenses that need to be covered.

    Elders should review this resolution annually in May to ensure the amount is what the congregation is realistically able to donate on a monthly basis. For example, there may be a significant increase or decrease in the number of publishers in the congregation, or the local economic conditions may appreciably improve or deteriorate, thus affecting the amount that the congregation can reasonably contribute. If necessary, the elders may take a new financial survey, as described above, to determine whether the resolved monthly contribution to Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide should be adjusted for the coming year.

    • What should be done with other existing resolutions?
    Any previous resolution to support Kingdom Hall construction should be discontinued. All other resolutions, such as those for contributing to the worldwide work, the Convention Fund, the Traveling Overseer Assistance Arrangement, and the Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement, should continue to be honored. Where more than one congregation shares a Kingdom Hall, resolutions to contribute to a shared Kingdom

    ***PAGE THREE***

    Re: Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide March 29,2014 Page 3

    Hall operating account to cover the operating costs, minor renovations, and repairs may be adjusted as needed.

    • How should this new resolved amount be submitted to the branch office?
    Each congregation should establish its own resolution to contribute to Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide and submit the resolved amount with its monthly remittance to the branch office. These resolved amounts should not be submitted through Kingdom Hall operating accounts. If revised forms for congregation accounting are not yet available in the language of the congregation, the resolved donation amount for Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide may be recorded on the line “Kingdom Hall Construction Worldwide (Resolution)” that appears on the form(s) currently being used.

    • What should be done if congregation funds are not sufficient to cover resolved donations?
    If sufficient funds are not available for all resolved donations in a particular month, additional funds should not be solicited. The elders should determine what amounts from the congregation funds that are available at the end of the month will be applied toward the resolved monthly donation(s) and whether the shortfall should be made up in future months. However, it would be appropriate for the elders to remind the congregation of the resolved monthly commitments. If the congregation can no long¬er contribute the amount(s) they resolved on a regular basis, the elders may consider the situation at the next annual review of the resolution for Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide.

    Contribution boxes: As noted above, on May 1, 2014, each Kingdom Hall should have only two types of contribution boxes, one labeled “Local Congregation Expenses” and one labeled “Worldwide Work.”
    • What should be done with existing “Kingdom Hall Construction Worldwide” boxes or boxes set up to accept donations for a local building project?
    These boxes will no longer be used for accepting donations in support of Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall construction. They should be removed or relabeled to accept donations for the worldwide work on May 1, 2014.
    • What type of expenses can be paid from funds received in the “Local Congregation Expenses” box?
    These funds should be used to pay approved congregation expenses, including Kingdom Hall operating expenses, minor renovations, and repairs (through the operating committee, if applicable), as well as for all monthly resolved donations that are sent to the branch office.
    • Are there any changes to the existing “Worldwide Work” box?
    No. Funds received in the “Worldwide Work” box will continue to be forwarded to the branch office each month. No congregation expenses or monthly resolutions should be paid from these funds.

  • Atlantis


    Thank you very much! I see where the problem was. The letter was to be discussed the week of May 5, but the date was of a previous letter. Ok, I see where I messed up. Many thanks! Here, have a cold one on us! Ok, lets make it a 6-pack.


  • wifibandit
  • Atlantis


    No problem, saved a few for you to!


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Hey ATLANTIS, do you also have the weasle-statement which was added?

    The reason given in the 4 page letter for the new "donation" arrangement was stated more than 20 times - it was to build KH & Assembly Halls!!

    By adding one slimy sentence however, the Org deceptively enables itself to siphon off as much of those donations as it wishes, to spend on anything it wants to!

    "From now on, all funding for approved projects will be provided by the branch office from the funds that have been donated by you dear brothers and sisters."

    ADDITION TO ORIGINAL LETTER FROM BRANCH OFFICE: "Please note, funds received for this new programme will form part of our general funds, rather than a restricted fund, however your preference for the donations to be used for construction will be noted."

    "The need for Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls is greater than ever before."

  • Atlantis

    The Searcher:

    I think I have it. What is the date of the weasle-statement? May 12?......June 9? If I have it I'll gladly send it to you if you need it. Or if it is something I missed, then by all means send me a pm.

    Many thanks!


  • wallsofjericho

    page 4

    Re: Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide
    March 29, 2014
    Page 4
     What should be done with excess congregation funds that are currently being held or that may accumulate in the future?
    The elders of congregations having funds on deposit with the branch office should re-view the balance of such funds and decide if these can be donated in full or in part to the worldwide work and/or Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide, par-ticularly if these funds were being saved for a future construction project. Periodically, the body of elders may also review the balance of the congregation funds to determine if surplus cash could be sent to the branch office as a donation. The recommendation for such a donation should be presented to the congregation as a one-time resolution. When this resolution is approved by the congregation, the one-time donation to the worldwide work or to Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide may be added to the monthly resolved amounts sent to the branch office.

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