What would make them leave?

by Separation of Powers 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    Many have SO MUCH INVESTED that they can never leave.


  • Vidiot

    No one ever leaves for just one big reason.

    I can't speak for everyone, but I faded because all the little reasons to leave gradually outweighed all the little reasons to stay.

  • prologos

    I am with blondie's observations. Most JWs can not explain doctrine anyway, know something is too complicated to be the truth. but personal abuse is earth- shattering. If GB directives reach that level to be done per instructions at the local level,

    that would be it, for all but the control freaks.

  • whathehadas

    Sad to say but most of posts on here are dead on. The JW are under so deep in mind control that EVERY GB member could go to each congo and SLAP each JW (including kids) and ALL it would take for the JW to not get upset is......that the GB got direction from Jehovah to wake up his people to be more urgent in the preaching work. This action would wake some up to the TTAT but the majority would just feel guilty and try to be more “spiritual”. The GB got these folks completely!!

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    To get most people to leave, the Governing Body would have to actually tell them to leave; or maybe the Governing Body would have to disfellowship most JWs and deny them right of appeal or reinstatement. These are the only ways I can see the majority of JWs leaving the org. Anything else such as a scandal would only see a large minority leaving, but not the majority.

  • BluesBrother

    Phizzey said

    We have debated this before, and unfortunately come to the conclusion that there simply is not one thing that would make many leave.

    Whenever we have Threads about why people woke up and left, there are as many reasons as there are Posters. One thing jerks one person awake, but leaves another comatose.

    In my family's case (older ones) doctrinal things could push them too far if they got too mainstream with the Churches . i.e. Joining inter-faith movements or linking with "Bab.the Gt" in some way. Or if legal demands forced them to accept same-sex couples ,even perform such marriages - I think my lot would be out !

    Others may be swayed by corruption. If evidence of Gov Body members rolling around in big cars, living in grand houses & abusing alcahol ?....Except that JF Rutherford already did all that and they loved him......

  • talesin

    The GB recants its former stance and says that the Catholic Church is the true way to salvation.

    Press release reads like this:

    "Suprisingly, 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses made a major Exodus today and joined the RCCs in their faith. Leaders of the WTB&TS are quoted as saying "We finally realized the superiority of the RCCs doctrine, and that we were dead wrong. The Trinity, our Lord dying on the Cross, and the holy sanctity of the priesthood - these are issues on which we were dead wrong. Praise Jesus!"

  • jdubsnub

    I agree that nothing will complete change everyone's mind but I do feel that some type of recording, whether its audio or visual, of the GB saying something incriminating would wake up a large number of people. It's really not that far fetched to think this will happen in the near future. Things are getting harder and harder to hide now in this age of information. They will slip up at some point. Especially with this new TV studio and filming they're doing. They're on film a lot more than before and it only takes one disgruntled employee errrrrr I mean bethelite in the right spot to leak something. Again, it'll never wake up everyone, but lets keep hope alive!

  • Theredeemer

    Think of everything they have done, all the changes, all the wrong dates, all the hipocrisy and all the money wasted and still millions of people remain loyal. Even if the GB came out and said "Well folks, it was all a scam!" thousands of witnesses would probably still have meetings and form a new GB. Actually one kind of did do that, Ray Franz.

    This is a religion and there is a reason why religions as messed up as Catholicism, Islam and other are still going strong despite humiliating events, atrocities and controversies.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    " I agree that nothing will complete change everyone's mind but I do feel that some type of recording, whether its audio or visual, of the GB saying something incriminating would wake up a large number of people."

    Typical JW response if such happened: "It's a fabrication by apostates. That isn't really the Governing Body speaking in a closed door session. They will never say something like that! That recording is nothing but a wicked fabrication by apostates! They're doing all kinds of things these days with photoshop and sound mixing so this recording is obviously a fraud designed to draw us away from Jehovah's organization! I refuse to listen to anymore of it!"

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