Taking on Jehovah's Witnesses fake Child Safeguarding Policy in the UK
by Watchtower-Free 55 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The thing I cant understand is why the branch decided to play dumb ass over it. I mean it's a public document, there was nothing incriminating in it, in fact I think it would of strengthened their case considering all the crap and scrutiny they are under at the moment. iDK kind of backs up the comment upon obeying them regardless of weather they know what the hell they are doing or not. Good one wt good one.
I mean it's a public document, there was nothing incriminating in it, in fact I think it would of strengthened their case ...
Watchtower has become so secretive that they are secretive even when they don't need to be. They look bad already, why make it worse needlessly?
Could it be that they have become so bad at answering difficult questions that they don't know what to say and when to say it for fear of trapping themselves again? This behavior seems overly cautious to the point of being panicky.
I think the problem may stem from the way they work at Bethel. With enquiries such as this they have guys who are assigned to deal with it, these guys do not go up the ladder with how to do so, except in rare instances.
Their Modus Operandi is to see if they can fob you off with non-commital answers, and say "please discuss this with your local Elders". If you persist in writing they then send what is virtually a standard letter, saying we have nothing to add.
This seems to have happened in this instance.
I think the Bethel guy himself is arrogant enough to think this tactic will work in this case,as it does with most who write about matters to do with TTATT, who give up after the "no more to add" letter. The guy is an unthinking fool, but would you expect anything more ?
Hopefully this will add grist to the mill of the Investigating Officer of the Charities Commision, but as he said, they have no legal obligation to even have a Policy, being a Church.
I think the latter point needs raising with th Children's Minister or whatever the post is called now, and perhaps our local M.P's There should be a legal obligation upon ALL Churches to have not just a Policy, a piece of paper, but an active programme of protection for the vulnerable.
What are the appropriate government agencies doing to determine what the WT policy is and that they make it available to people outside the WTS. Do the agencies have copies/etc of their WTS policy?
The "appropriate agencies" are who, I wonder ? Who polices religions ?
The investigation referred to above is by the Charities Commission and is very toothless in this particular area in that it can only act on breaches of Charity Law.
Great vidoes thanks. Kate xx
Phizzy - The investigation referred to above is by the Charities Commission and is very toothless in this particular area in that it can only act on breaches of Charity Law.
Laws can be changed! A couple of years ago there was a U.K. petition for parliament to revoke the WTBTS charity status. It was too narrow in scope. IMHO it should have required parliament to change the charitable law to promote and protect UK citizen's basic human rights.
Why can't Brits petition parliament to revise charitable laws to require charitable organizations to promote basic societal requirements like create and implement effective child protection practices, promote critical thinking instead of using "undue influence" to control members, and promote tolerance - not hatred and discrimination? To be an EU member countries promise not to infringe on basic human right that include freedom of thought. Why can't U.K. law require charitable organizations to do the same.
People can think – organizations can’t! When people act contrary to the law, they are held accountable. If charitable laws are changed and an organization’s practices are contrary to the law, then the organization and its leaders should be held accountable.
Effective policies to protect children from sexual abuse would include:
- Background checks of members caring for children and in authority positions supervising activities involving children;
- Reporting all suspected criminal acts to police ASAP and before reporting them to the organization’s legal department;
- Requiring parents or at least two non-related and opposite-sex adults supervise an organization’s activities when children are present; and
- Organizations must not promote ostracizing members to other members for any reason.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
"it's publicly available my luvly"