i'm screwed
Let's Say 1914 Was The Establishment of God's Kingdom....what is the significance?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
1914, and all that Watchtower has said about it, has been a complete failure.
So Jesus Christ's Kingdom has been undermined by injustices, corruption, adultery and even pedophilia?
Jesus Christ's Kingdom is full of lawlessness!
Matthew 13:40-43
Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. 41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness, 42 and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be. 43 At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Let him that has ears listen.
Jesus Christ's kingdom has been ruined!
Daniel 2:44
"And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;
So why doesn't God set up a kingdom that isn't filled with reprehensible, wicked, hypocritical slimeballs?
Revelation 21:25-27
And its gates will not be closed at all by day, for night will not exist there. 26 And they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it. 27 But anything not sacred and anyone that carries on a disgusting thing and a lie will in no way enter into it; only those written in the Lamb’s scroll of life [will].
Everything Jesus Christ said would happen, is really happening!
From reading the posts above it seems that most people are measuring what they see happening in this world by some kind of secular thing that exists only in their imagination.
The rational thing to do is measure these things by what Jesus Christ said.
Let him that has ears listen.
Jesus Christ is awesome!
yadda yadda 2
Excellent point Scenicviewer. To continue saying the 'gentile times' ended in 1914 is complete and utter LUNACY. You should start a new thread with your comment.
“ScenicViewer”: “It also happens to be the only thing about 1914 that Watchtower says today that it also said in C.T. Russel's time. And that is it's the end of the Gentile Times.”
Actually, even this thing about the gentile times ending in 1914 is based on contrived falsehood.
For one thing, the WTS are the only people who claim that the destruction of ancient Jerusalem was 607 B.C.E. All the other religious historical scholars consider that date to be 20 years later, in 587 B.C.E. If you read the book The Gentile Times Reconsidered, by Carl Olof Jonsson (a former JW), which I read myself, you will see that it is very obvious that there is a period of exactly 20 years which the WTS has stretched to accommodate its own peculiar theology. That book absolutely and thoroughly blows this 607 B.C.E. thing to bits! It also shows the deliberate dishonesty and high-mindedness of the WTS. And, of course, no 607 B.C.E., then no 1914 either!
Another point is: if, theoretically, the WTS’ 1914 date was in fact to mark the end of the gentile times, then they would still be off according to the “evidence” because according to their scheme, the date would be in the month of October 1914, but, as we can see from history, the First World War started on July 28, 1914.
So, either way you look at it, the WTS’ 1914 date as both the end of the gentile times and as the commencement of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is simply wrong.
Says, well put!