Just watched a documentary on the Mormon church and I reckon they have got far more scandal and issues with BS doctrins than the witnesses ever did

by joe134cd 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • OnTheWayOut

    The Mormons totally pulled it off- they are way more whacky with their underwear, baptisms of the dead, the Garden of Eden being in Missouri, everyone getting to be a god on their own planet.....and at the same time, they are way more mainstream with accepting college and encouraging personal success of the members, joining the military and running for poliitical office, celebrating Christmas.

    JW's can't have tobacco and Mormons can't have caffeine. The caffeine restriction sounds way more strange. They have a much more colorful history with their multiple wives and the Mountain Meadow massacres (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_Meadows_massacre). But people identify them with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and more people know the names of their founders, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, than have even heard of the likes of C.T. Russell and Joseph Rutherford.

    Most people just think Mormons are way more devout Christians than Protestants and Catholics and have no idea about the underwear, and the planet Kolob, and they know of the polygamy as a thing of the past. It is only modern entertainment that is finally shedding a broader light on the teachings of Mormonism to tell people that they are whackos.

    In people's minds, JW's have remained in the fringe of strangeness with Scientology. People don't know about them either, but many assume they don't believe in Jesus because of Christmas and because of using the name "Jehovah." Heck, people don't even know that Jehovah is basically the same God that Jews and Christians worship. People think JW's are those (slightly) better-dressed Hare Krishna types that sell books instead of flowers and their kids avoid all the holidays and the pledge of allegiance, and they don't do Christmas, and many confuse them with the belief that they don't seek modern medicine and doctors for their ailments.

    And yes, as far as we know, JW's have no past of secret killings, no history of having to leave places like Illinois and Missouri and go to the desert. But despite there being at least twice as many Mormons as JW's in the world, people know way more about being woke up on Saturday morning by JW's at the door than by Mormons. Some have figured out that two men with white shirts and "Elder Smith" on their pocket means Mormons, and that sedans and minivans loaded with men and women and bookbags means Jehovah's Witnesses, but most people don't know the difference.

  • rebel8

    There are many similarities between exes of both groups as well.

    Pretty interesting stuff. They used to allow women to have more than one husband too--not many Mormons know that.

    I still don't think they are wackier than jws. Have you ever read Golden Age? Miracle Wheat, there's no such thing as germs, jumping up and down cures colds, if you get an x-ray it will harm your grandchildren, bob haircuts cause problems for women?


    What about what they did to hemophiliacs, Mexicans, etc.? They beileve that demons can rape people.

  • Fencing

    There are many similarities between exes of both groups as well.

    It's pretty interesting how you can get exes of JWs and Mormons together to talk about their experiences, and they will both sound strangely familiar to each other, even though the religions have next to nothing in common theologically.

    I still don't think they are wackier than jws. Have you ever read Golden Age? Miracle Wheat, there's no such thing as germs, jumping up and down cures colds, if you get an x-ray it will harm your grandchildren, bob haircuts cause problems for women?

    I don't know about that. I think Mormon origins are easily wackier than JWs. I mean, the whole thing was started by a con man who used his teachings to have sex with just about any woman in the group he wanted. As crazy as his ideas were, I generally think Russell was fairly sincere person, at least in the beginning. The same can't be said about Smith. It started as a con, and never stopped.

  • joe134cd

    Fencing = were you once a mormon.

  • steve2

    Two God-obsessed young men who each had in common an unshakable conviction God chose him - and him alone - to restore ancient truths. It's all downhill from there.

    Arguing that one was whackier than the other is akin to declaring one con-man to not be as bad as the other. Would you go to either to entrust your life or even to get directions? Millions upon millions answer with a hearty, "Yes we would!" Similarly, each new generation of "leaders" who follow in their dubious footsteps, updates and modifies the earlier teachings to make them more palatable to modern sensibilities or renders the dodgier teachings nonexistent.

    Fact: Smith's and Russell's nose-dives into their own self-importance and narcissism have ruined - and continue to ruin - millions upon millions upon millions of lives around the globe long after their respective deaths - and long after each man's disgusting record has been exposed.

    The ongoing powerful influence of these two religious quacks is disturbing evidence that, when it comes to humans and religious beliefs, emotion trumps reason.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Mormonisn just another cult.

  • RubaDub

    At least as a JW I don't have to wear majic underwear.

    Rub a Dub

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn

    And I personally know a few wonderful Mormon people. It is all the same bull; so, you gotta find out about the person and ignore the religion completely.


  • RubaDub

    I wonder if they make thong-style majic underwear?

    Rub a Dub

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