What is the perfect product to sell to a JW?
by usualusername 40 Replies latest jw friends
How about "spiritual glasses?" They help you to see things that aren't there more clearly.
NINJA Loans. We had a "JW" selling "as stated income" loans to all the local JW tradesmen before the 2008 crash. They gladly let the swarmy JW dummy up loans using theocratic stratigey (Lies) to get them loans to flip homes. ALL RBC big wigs.
They would then help him do "reverse mortagages for all the seniors and widows in the local halls, take the proceeds so he could sell them high commission -low return annuities. An easy way to make 12,000 - $25,000 k from a poor widow.
Window cleaning or janitorial supplies.
Offer them an expensive alternative medicine that guarantees a cure backed up by 10 testimonies by faithful jws
Offer then a financial opportunity that guarantees a 12% return...has to be good a brother is selling it.
A unique payment scheme.
Pay now and some time SOON in the future, you will get your product......
100 years later.....
There are two overlapping payment schemes, if you paid into the earlier scheme, your offspring of the same generation will get the product......
I was always amazed at the number of JW's involved in MLM (including relatives).
They had better enthusiasm for the current MLM than for d-2-d.
How about welders' masks - for all the new light?
Per Wikapedia:
'Miracle Wheat' [edit]
On March 22, 1911, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle published articles accusing Russell of gaining profit from a strain of wheat named "Miracle Wheat" by its alleged discoverer, K.B. Stoner of Fincastle, Virginia, which Russell sold for $60 per bushel, far above the average cost of wheat at the time. Throughout 1912 and 1913, the Eagle continued to report on Russell's alleged fraud. Russell sued the Eagle for libel, but lost. A government expert investigated the "Miracle Wheat" and said it "was low in the Government tests". Prior to entering the court, the Eagle declared that "at the trial it will show that "Pastor" Russell's religious cult is nothing more than a money-making scheme." [ 85 ] Russell defended himself publicly, and in writing, claiming that the wheat was donated to the Watch Tower Society, and although sold for $1 per pound, Mr. Stoner routinely sold it for a $1.25 per pound. Russell claimed to have no financial connection to the wheat, and that no one claimed a refund despite such an offer for up to a year later for any who were dissatisfied with their purchase. [ 86 ] In 1975, the Watch Tower Society stated that gross receipts from the "Miracle Wheat" fundraiser totaled "about $1800" (current value $46,000), of which "Russell himself did not get a penny". It also said that "the Society itself made no claim for the wheat on its own knowledge and the money received went as a donation into Christian missionary work." [ 87 ] ""
Read BA2's link to Russell.
I finally get it.
JW's and MLM.
Duh, PYRAMID scheme.
Thanks CTR (and Michael).