Convention new book reveals "GROUP 2" of the 1914 generation...the horror.

by Witness 007 83 Replies latest jw experiences

  • prologos

    really, with an overlapp with characters like Franz, living to ~100 and overlapping by 15 years, you can count to 2075 ( another nice anniversary) as the beginning of Armageddon (which none of them will see, according to wt writers) and there are more anointed than the GB, F&DS, maybe they can dig up (discover I mean) some 110 year old overlappers, that gives them another 20 years;-- 2100 here we come.

    By that time medical science probably will not need the non-existing ransom any more.

    and all this is not 'new 2014 light', in part at least 8 years old. just to show you how much the R&File, and paricularly the so-called Elders/Teachers really know, care what they teach from the platform and in the D2D "work"

  • Zordino

    By the year 2100, they will have to re overlap of the overlapping overlapers of first overlapping generation of overlappers. People.... it's not that complicated. .. she's. . And It sounds kind of believable no?

  • TheOldHippie

    "there are more anointed than the GB, F&DS, maybe they can dig up (discover I mean) some 110 year old overlappers, that gives them another 20 years;-"

    They have got have served together with group 1, so the younger anointed ones do not count.

  • prologos

    Zordino, of course it is all a fantacy, but with just ONE OVERLAP of two 100 year old 'anointed', that were baptized/anointed at age 19, you come to 2075. Example:

    Original Remnant Member born 1895, is anointed in 1914 at age 19. lives to 1995.

    Overlapper born in 1975, she at age 19, in 1994, is anointed and at age 100 in 2075 !!! is raptured, just in time to battle at Armageddon in the ''heavenly army'.

    Only I overlap in the years 1895 -- 2075; but

    now we had bapisms at 9 years old, earlier onsets of the disorder that signals 'anointing', a little riper old age, better health care, and voila !! now

    2100 with just ONE OVERLAP of 2 contemporary partakers is par. now,

    had wt writers not made the mistake of introducing the 'anointed generation' and stuck instead with the "wicked generation" it would have given them wiggle room until 2154 until paradise. All that without being wrong in saying it is "soon" , "just around the corner" like

    The famous last heavenly words: " Yes, I am coming--QUICKLY--" Rev. 22:20,

    penned 1914 years ago, ~ 50 / 100 non - overlapping generations ago.

  • prologos

    TheOldHippy, I do not consider a 110 year old to be young. When Wt wrote up these convoluted scenarios, they were not talking of "serving" GB members or the new F&DS of 1919, but PARTAKERS.

    go over the arithmetic above. Only I overlap of 100 year old 'early' partakers could take you to 2100.

    like the song said: "--with a little bit of luck--" and

    You are right: the younger partakers, born or anointed after 1975, are just fellow-travelers, dont count in the 'overlapping' wt lapse.

  • prologos


  • truthsetsonefree

    So hypothetically then, some future dubbers could embrace the idea, when the end doesn't come, that there is simply another group of people that overlaps the previous group. As William Penwell said, the Overlapping Generations Doctrine could take this out into infinity and beyond!

  • pbrow

    I get the feeling that the gb members are reading these posts.....

    Picture Lett saying "Loesch.. come over here (over exaggerated hand gesture) ... look at this idea we could use in 2035!!


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    This has been viewed 3000 times that means a whole circuit assembly of Witnesses are interested in this topic...what a good Witness!!!

  • skeeter1

    Dr. Suess Thing 1 and Thing 2 come to mind . . . .

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