A person's IQ in no way indicates fitness for an office. I certainly saw that while living in Boulder, Colorado. Of the nine city council members, three held Ph.Ds. Yet they were among the most foolish people I have ever seen in government. They passed all kinds of outlandish ordinances and refused to listen to common sense solutions to problems. The council was composed of elitists who injected their thinking into international questions of the day while passing over some pressing problems dealing with inequality and huge income disparity right under their noses.
Let's not forget that highly educated and intelligent people have proposed, carried out, and cooperated with all kinds of crimes and injustices which have been perpetuated throughout history as well. It is a mistake to believe that if these kind of people were in charge, the world would be in much better shape than it currently is. This is not to say that they shouldn't seek office or high position, but only that we should be aware that they are fallible human beings like everyone else and have their own weaknesses and faults.
With respect to the Governing Body, I doubt that if well-schooled and highly intelligent men were in charge the organization would be much different from what it currently is. Intelligent men have heard the siren song of power before and not turned a deaf ear to it but have gladly embraced it. Being a member of the WTS ruling elite gives these individuals considerable power and glory. They are ably assisted by a legal and writing department which have some smart people in those positions. Some have pointed out these people are the ones really in control but they prefer the cloak of anonymity which enables them to operate very effectively, using the Governing Body as figureheads. Whatever the situation, I think it is a mistake to equate high intelligence with some kind of superiority. History has shown that such a correlation does not exist and that when placed in the nexus of power, many very intelligent people behave no better than their supposedly lesser-brained contemporaries.