glad to hear you're happy abe...and for establishing you're happy for the "right' reasons.
Scared of Armageddon?
by naja 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
It's a war between the Wild Beast, the False Prophet, the Dragon, and the Kings of the entire Earth. A warning was given to those keeping their outer garments on, and not being shamed . What does this mean, now that we have amended the identification of the FDS? Is some of this to be revised at the next AGM? The Kings of the Earth already do a good job in creating violence on this planet. We know that the Creator should have a showdown towards the Kings (those ruling). Revelation tells us that there will be survivors. Others accounts tell us about Jesus judging hearts. I'm not scared of Armageddon.
Everything Jesus Christ said would happen, .... is really happening!
Let me guess.. Is that when he predicted that there would be occasional wars in the world? Or when he predicted that kids would be disrespectful to their parents? Or that there would be famine in the world? Of that the love of many would cool off?
well he really went out on a limb there, didn't he? aren't we impressed.... Even Harold Camping had the balls to predict something much more specific.
Here let me make a few predictions for you, maybe eventually you can embarassing yourself again in a post defending me too. Ok here :
- ummm women will cheat on their husbands.
- There will be terrorists attacks on Israel
- There will a drug problem in the world
- People will continue to die of starvation
There, that should do it.
ain't gonna happen
ptt7000, your explanation puts a nice, modern, politically-correct spin on this topic but it has a faint whiff of the way in which religious beliefs morph with the times.
Well we have to understand the word "Armageddon" is a global condition, not "the end" which has been associated with that term. "Har" (mountain), "Magedon" (military camp) is merely a global military establishment in the NATO "charter" of intended military monopoly that will in time depose Russia and China to assimilate their systems into the global master weapons system.
But in such a monopoly of course we also have a unique "world peace" development. This is why NO "wars and reports of wars" is the Matthew 24:6 inversion of what 1Thess5:1-3 "peace and security" is really meaning: global peace by human world government definition is a unique signal period.
Now since we went from a multi-polar world before and into WW1 and WW2 to define a bi-polar world in the Cold War between the US and USSR systems, the trend towards uni-polarity requiring a final cycle is actually intuitive and predictable—it has been moving in that direction over three massive global war cycles, no way can that trajectory to uni-polarity simply be reversed by humans. If it took two world wars to establish a reliable bi-polarity, it seems likely a final cycle will depose the Russian/Chinese system even more so than the Cold War victory going to the US "new world order" advocates financially. (George Bush Sr., Address Before a Joint Session of Congress; 9/11/1990)
This means the post Cold War financial globalization that includes Russia, China and India socialist systems converting to capitalist, contributing billions in global capital dollars and peoples for late-capitalist investment, will simply continue the trajectory that always follows the wealth. The final cycle just fully assimilates the nation-state complex more topical military and governmental systems, but their finances are all in US elite control progressively since 1990. 1990 marked the greatest boost to globalization in all human history as Russia, China and India all joined fully into the financial markets. That is not an insignificant globalization in itself.
It appears the human system is the one to fear the most, for it will become the most dangerous once "world peace" means global weapons become available for other uses once nations have no more sovereignty to protect or expand in traditional multi-polar or bi-polar wars. Reaching that state takes a number of final years over this final cycle requirement.
In reality it seems God and Christ would be arriving not to destroy, but to save as many people as possible from the more dangerous human system (Matt24:21-22) which will be in uni-polarity, king "north" polarity, at that time. Divine power is not interested in "destroying billions", in reality it is global elite systems that have that agenda, which will give it more certainty of attempted deployment. The truth is the global system cannot handle many more people once the 10 billion mark is approached, one way or another that trajectory to eventual over population will be curtailed even if the earth itself had to handle the anti-viral task. God has no population limitations.
This is why they project the blame and fear upon God, but the real culprit remains undetected. God is not the one to be in dread over. Apostate Bethel supports this kind of slander as well, they have people focused on the wrong play. -
Welcome young person.
Religion. Hoo boy!!!
Armageddon(tm) is simply a control tool used by the watchtower(r) to frighten people into subjugation.
A lot of faiths believe in a horrible punishment for simply not believing in the magic man upstairs and I wonder how any sane person can be happy to serve a god like that?!
There is no armageddon(tm).
When I was a young JW, oh so very long ago, I determined that I would not give a fig about Armageddon, and I would not serve God based upon the fear of it.
To serve merely from the motive of wishing to save my own skin seemed to me to be a despicable one.
I reasoned that God was a God of Justice, and therefore if I died at the Big A it would be perfectly just, and I believed many more than just JW's deserved to live.
I decided to serve God and not care about the Big A and the "New System" , they could come, or not, in my lifetime, but I would continue as I was because I saw the only alternative as serving Satan.
Hence the hype before and the passing of 1975 had little effect upon me, apart from my becoming more conscious that the W.T were fallible men.
I feel sorry for those JW's who fear it, and those ex JW's who still do.
It is an event that will not happen, whether you call it the Big A, or the "Final Judgement" or whatever, they both are Fiction.
i never feared armageddon--i simply never believed in it--or god for that matter. i put my money where my mouth is--and resigned well before 1975. now ive had another 40 fear-free years.
Armageddon, great tribulation = first century