is the big show on 1914 at Service Meeting evidence of factions in the GB?

by Wasanelder Once 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OneEyedJoe

    If they don't keep pushing the 1914 or end of days message, what else is left? Then what reason do the average rank and file members have to keep going to the meetings and banging on doors? As an adventist religion it is very important to keep setting dates to keep the rank and file in line. Otherwise the religion (cult) will fall apart.

    They don't necessarily need 1914 to set dates, though. 1975 had no basis on 1914 other than that it was "within a generation" of it. It was just the appropriate time for god to act. If they ever need a date, they'll just whip up some numerology and they'll have it. Personally, I think they're trying to emulate the mormons more where it's all about family and emotional appeal, and doctrine is just there to artificially seperate them from "the world." Of course armageddon will always be "soon" but I don't think they want the baggage that the old doctrines bring with them (i.e. easily disproven).

    They've dropped the type/antitype nonsense, and that's what 1914 is based on. They seem to be headed in a direction towards easy to grasp doctrine, seperation from "the world," and unquestioning loyalty. The latter will be enforced by constant fear mongering on the soonness of armageddon (the stick). They'll throw in a little emotional appeal and lovey-dovey crap every now and again (the carrot) to keep people happy. Anything beyond that is superfluous.

  • sir82

    Yeah, part of the reason is to do a sort of "test run" to make sure the congregations can handle the video for the branch visit scheduled for November 8-9.

    That's why the letter went to US elders only - only the US will receive the video of the branch visit.

    But they could have done something similar with any part - or even just a simple "hi guys, this is a test video" snippet lasting a minute or 2 - maybe a "sneak preview" of the upcoming branch visit.

    But instead, they picked this topic - why this one? I still say they think JWs are idiots.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    " But instead, they picked this topic - why this one?"

    Maybe they're hoping that JWs will be sufficiently distracted and impressed by the use of technology at the kingdom hall, that they will pay less attention to the ridiculous nature of the teaching. The content is rubbish so they're trying to make up for it with presentation.

  • prologos

    I could see that an immediate majority vote could not be achieved on issues like the overlapping, the anointed vs the wicked generation*, the 1919 - young Faithfull Slave that D. Splane loved. so there might be different views for a while, but resistance is futile.

    Hindsight may then result in head-palms and the "what were we thinking?" "now what?" realization.

    *the single 'wicked generation' would have taken them to 2034, vs the 'overlapping anointed' to 2075.

  • Londo111

    So here are the folks on the Service Committee:

    Service Committee

    “The brothers who make up this committee oversee all areas of the evangelizing work and matters affecting congregations, publishers, pioneers, elders, traveling overseers and missionaries. They supervise, among numerous other things, the activities of Hospital Liaison Committees. They also oversee the preparation of Our Kingdom Ministry.”

    Samuel Herd
    Gerrit Lösch
    Anthony Morris
    Mark Sanderson
    Gary Breaux
    Joel Dellinger
    Seth Hyatt
    Christopher Mavor
    Baltasar Perla
    William Turner, Jr.
    Robert Wallen
    Leon Weaver, Jr.

  • SyntaxError1974

    For the past 2 weekends we havr had official branch test runs with our video equipment. Both were 2 hour recorded feeds. The last one was saturday at 3pm eastern time. (Usa)

    It was the last 2 hours of the 2014 annual meeting.

    The next test is saturday 25th at 3pm Eastern time as well.

    it is coming from

    Cant post the login info because they got smart and gave each congregation a unique username that includes the congregation number.

    they will intantly know which congregation leaks the login now.

    In fact, the login letter doesnt even go to the whole body of elders. Only the "Event Coordinator" gets the login info. So if it grts leaked, someones headbwill be on a stick.

  • daringhart13

    They are definitely causing some to leave. There are some people.....the minority among them..... that aren't totally stupid.

    This 1914 stuff continues to get more and more embarrassing

  • Crazyguy

    Someone I know was on the writing department years ago and still knows ones that are still there. He's says there total delusional believers. So I think this is a case of the these writing this stuff and when something needs to be changed it comes from someone else probably on the corporate side where the business men are and who truly pull the stings.

  • wifibandit

    Recording a stream is easy. If anyone has a login and would like to know how to capture a stream, P.M. me for technical assistance.

    I can then anonymously distribute the captured video.

    Like the 2014 AGM →

  • TD

    I'm pretty ignorant about GB politics, but I have to say that is an interesting idea.

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