Sad article, really.
She says at one point, that she cannot describe how sad and lonely she feels without her husband, Ted, and that she still misses him. I thought, "Yes, I bet you CAN'T talk about that!! About how sad and lonely you feel, and didn't even have children together... because to do so would feel like you are expressing doubt or weak faith or that you are overly-grieving, thus not spiritual. So of course she "can't" describe how lonely she feels!! :(
And at the conclusion of article, you can read between the lines: it sounds like life is hard for her now and Bethel life is difficult. She says she doesn't enjoy the same amount of association before (because of health problems, but is it perhaps because her rock star husband is now dead, and she is but a lowly elderly female...?) She also can't do as much physically, sounds like she may even be dealing with pain... yet of course is still expected to do as much as possible and keep running on that treadmill....