It's all about the money. A Simple Business Model.
Jehovanomics RULE #1: Real Estate Laundering.
by Jehovanomics 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Welcome my friend !
And yes, you are ,sadly, 100% correct.
For many a long year on here we debated if there was some sincerity in the Governing Body at least. Most of us realised that behind them, pulling their strings, were people who did not believe at all, and were simply in it for the money/lifestyle.
But with all the recent moves, the Rebranding, it is obvious that the G.B and all behind them are simply running a Scam, for the Money.
Jehovanomics, Welcome. Swell name! Following the money in the WBT$ was the last straw for me.
Another couple of business modesl they seem to be adopting: "Right" Sizing and Innovation
Watchtower Publishing & Real Estate Investment Co.
Welcome to JWN Jehovan......looking forward to
hearing your story!
Welcome to the board Jehovanomics
We look forward to more of your posts when you feel free to do so .
I`m thinking along the lines of real estate investments / sales. ( Reportedly over 800 million dollars in the last 10 years ) in New York state alone .
Contributions / Gifts / Deceased Estates / Shares in worldly ventures , military etc. ( despite their saying they are no part of the world ) and anybody who is a freind of the world is an enemy of God .
And yet they seem to have no problem whatsoever in having monetary dealings with the world who they condemn as being in the power of the wicked one satan the devil , with their shares , investments , real estate dealings with the world they condemn.
Welcome Jehohovanomics, yes it's all about the money to give the GB their rock star life styles. Kate xx
Thanks for playing.
Welcome. It would be good if you posted an explanation of your thesis in your first post.
Your thread titles are intriguing, but the lack of exposition is only frustrating.
So you want to take a course in Jehovanomics?