These assholes are "top executives" from the Church of Scientology? REALLY? Wow....they are mighty big "Christians", what with all of that love being shown!! How many steps away from Scientology are the JW's with this behaviour? 1? 2 steps away possibly?
JW's are crazy and dangerous, Scientology is even more so! I am still dumbfounded that people could join a religion based up a sci-fi author's claims that we are former alien beings in human bodies, and that eventually we will return to Theta. I mean, seriously? But then again, 20 million people believe Joseph Smith interpreted a new Bible from seer stones who dug up somewhere in upstate NY. JW's believe a book publisher from the 1800's had divine truth by measuring the passageways of the Pyramids of Giza, and all would be raptured in October 1914. Crazies.....ALL of them.
- Wing Commander