Come one, Come all!
Afterwards a group of us usually goes out to eat. It's so much fun!
by MissFit 33 Replies latest jw friends
Come one, Come all!
Afterwards a group of us usually goes out to eat. It's so much fun!
Last time I went was a few years ago to take my elderly mother to the memorial as she needed a ride. Sometimes you have to do things you don't like for loved ones.
up 2 u....
Gustav, It may be hard to believe, but it is possible to meet up with friends for dinner without having to wear a sweaty wrinkled dry clean only suit/dress due to the fact that you have been sitting for hours listening/tuning out a soon to be outdated hopelessly boring program.
I can understand how MissFit felt. I may have fallen for that pressure too. But the question I have to start asking myself more and more is: Would this friend do something totally uncormfortable for me if I asked/insisted upon them? If the answer is always a "No" in your own mind, then are they really a friend? To me, being a real friend is a very committed responsibility that I take very seriously. But, as I have gotten older I have realized just how few family and friends I have define friendship and loyalty the way I do.
A friend that is always over-valuing their "theocratic schedule" over everything else is just a Jdub-zombie to me. They have their stupid schedule and YOU must work around it. That may be fine in every day life but when it carries over to important moments in life and they are still spouting off about their "time" or "preparing their Watchtower" when you actually need them for something........ that is very elucidating.
I hope that was a good sandwich!
My goodness this is me. I started waking up a few months ago and ours is Saturday. I considered an excuse to not go and realized hubby was going despite. I figure it's better I'm there to hear and have good critical thinking questions for after. Ya know... So I can ' be on the watch' ha. Also... I'm going to play some games in my head, like a last days counter, Jesus mention, school is bad mention.... I can have some fun, that's what I'm trying to convince myself of. I really am curious to let you know the $cost we are assigned.
My goodness this is me. I started waking up a few months ago and ours is Saturday. I considered an excuse to not go and realized hubby was going despite. I figure it's better I'm there to hear and have good critical thinking questions for after. Ya know... So I can ' be on the watch' ha. Also... I'm going to play some games in my head, like a last days counter, Jesus mention, school is bad mention.... I can have some fun, that's what I'm trying to convince myself of. I really am curious to let you know the $cost we are assigned.
One suggestion you might be able to use as a critical point/question afterwards:
The closing talk discusses the recent QFR "noo-lite" on whether ressurected ones will be able to marry in paradise. For years they dogmattically asserted that they would not be able to, and now they're going back on that saying that Jesus' comments on the topic 'evidently' applied only to the 144k annointed. My current CO (who gave the talk) recently lost his wife, who he clearly loved very very much. When he was talking about this topic, he went on for a bit about how distressing it was to think that he wouldn't be able to be married to her in paradise. He gave lots of things he had to tell himself to reduce his grief at this fact (I know we'll both be happy regardless, etc) and it was very sad to listen to. Now, all that was unneccessary heart-ache, since ressurected ones can remarry apparently.
On the car ride home, I said to my wife "I feel really bad for xxxx (the CO)." When she asked why, I said, "He clearly suffered alot of grief and heart-ache that all could have been avoided if the society hadn't been so dogmatic about ressurected people being unable to remarry." She didn't much know what to say to that...
So now I die and my wife remarries and I can get resurrected and go live with her and her new hubby and at night when all is quiet I can listen to them having sex in the next room. When the new scrolls are opened, will I be allowed a wank from time to time? Thought not. Perhaps I can go to the shore and find a resurrected pirate and explain to him how he needs to shave off his beard.
Or I die and my wife can have another thirty years or so giving up the opportunity to remarry in the guilt-ridden hope we can be reunited in the new system.
Gotta love the WT writers and their thoughtless drivel which has millons hanging on every word ...
How did you find it?
The only concern I have is that you could be setting yourself up to be hurt by a woman that cannot really be a friend to you anymore.