Damn, I'm clueless! I was feeling really bad until I read what wallsofjericho & bigmac posted. Glad I'm not the only one. I have only barely heard of RSS. Don't even know what it is.
Does ANYONE use RSS anymore?
by nicolaou 13 Replies latest forum announcements
compound complex
Please explain RSS for us (I Googled it but don't understand).
I accidently clicked onto it on my e-mail site, and it had some neatly categorized info that I had never before seen in that particular arrangement.
Juan Viejo2
Simon - does this site still have RSS or have you dropped it completely?
I dropped RSS ... when I said it "fell off my radar" it was more like it was erased from my mind completely!
I'm not sure if I'll add it back, I need to look at usage to see if RSS is still well used and worth supporting going forward or if time would be better spent on some other method.