JAN 2015 Awake - Yet More Fallacies and Disingenuous Statements re Evolution/Creation

by konceptual99 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    While many insist that an evolutionary origin of life is an indisputable fact, others are not satisfied with the answers that evolution provides regarding how life began and how life developed.

    This sentence basically sums up the article. It says,"We don't like your answers."

    Written for dummies.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    For those not satisfied with the 95% evolution, abiogenesis, fossil record and the big-bang can currently explain: "God did it" would satisfy their curiosity.

  • Vidiot

    konceptual99 - "I think they realised a long time ago that they will never convince anyone who can see past the smokescreen and so they just use enough emotion and pseudo-science to appeal to the gullible and those too indoctrinated to see the light."

    Listener - "So the clowns in the writing department, in their haste to discredit others beliefs, have decided that they will deny creationism (in it's true definition) whereas in reality they simply do not believe in the creationism branch of Scientific Creationism."

    Pistoff - "They believe in creation and literal Genesis, but separate themselves from YEC's, even though they have borrowed from their books."

    sir82 - "The same science that disproves that the earth is only 6000 years old, also disproves that 100% of the earth's surface was under water for a full year just 4400 years ago."

    Master_Bob - "They also mention two scientists to support their position. One of them is Rama Singh. From my short research I found out he is a real scientist and of course he supports evolution... The magazine if full of ignorance and misrepresentation of the theory of evolution..."

    Shirley - "WT has never been guilty of transparency. Ever. Transparency is anathema to its core methodology."

    Niveau - "They quote Michael Behe on page five - his work is so looked down upon that his own university has the following disclaimer on their website..."

    OneEyedJoe - "Right off, they're moving the goalposts. The cover is talking about evolution, but this is apparently trying to disprove the theory of abiogenesis. "

    All "dirty-lawyer" tactics.


    Once again, for the lurkers, newbies, and trolls...x

    ...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.

  • AnnOMaly

    ...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.

    Well said. Nailed it

  • Vidiot


    I've said it a few times here before; it's kind of become a sort of motto.


    I'm actually thinking of putting it on a bumper sticker or a T-shirt.

  • wifibandit

    We have started compilation of the out-of-context quotes in this AWAKE! here : http://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/2k50ih/how_did_life_begin/

  • WTWizard

    The LIE-ble has just enough "science(??)" to throw real science off. It has to be just plausible enough so, combined with the black magic used against the people, that people will believe a lie and not investigate the truth. That is how we got so far behind in science in the Dark Ages--scientific advancement far beyond anything we have today was destroyed without a trace, and people were forced to believe the rubbish in the LIE-ble that held us back. Even to this day, Christi-SCAM-ity and the media, all controlled by joke-hova's filthy angels, are preventing genuine advancement. Even that Einstein did nothing more than tangle physics in a web of lies intended to prevent us from advancing, just as the writere of the LIE-ble did.

  • Comatose

    One eyed joe, amazing recap on page one. It would have taken a lot of time, much appreciated.

    Very simply, to any lurker or JW who might ever see this - Evolution has nothing to do with how life began. That is a different topic well known to anyone who has looked into it. Abiogenesis is the study of how life began. Evolution is the study of how life changed, adapted, or evolved over time, usually longggg periods of time.

  • Cadellin

    One eyed Joe: Well done, indeed. Thank you for taking the time to do this. What makes me so angry is that a pablum-quality article like this won't fool anyone with a very basic knowledge of evolution but it WILL reinforce the ignorance of those who lack even that, those being primarily JWs who have never learned anything about evolution other than the steaming stream of misinformation expelled by the WBTS.

    Articles like this, as you point out, constantly mix up terms/definitions, excise snippets of quotes, ask one question and yet answer a completely different one, deal in sweeping generality and avoid discussing anything resembling recent quantitative research or examples. It's a horrible example of unethical, grossly ignorant propaganda masquerading as--I don't know what--science writing? It's not, obviously, but that's what scores of JWs will take it as.

    This subject is what started my awakening to TTATT. That was ten years ago and their tactics haven't changed. Not one whit.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Yeah, its pretty clear that these articles are only intended to preach to the choir. They'll reinforce the jws conviction that Satan has "blinded the minds of the unbelievers" and that's the only reason that anyone believes in evolution. The target audience isn't anyone who even has doubts centering on the topic, because it'll just leave them dissatisfied (and those folks are probably the ones who'll eventually wake up anyway) and certainly no one who is already aware of even a small portion of the evidence for evolution.

    This is just the WTS puffing up the r/f to give them their feeling of superiority. If they can convince them that they're just soooo much smarter than the general public it just serves to further separate the jws from the worldlies. Not only that, but it also makes it less likely that anyone will bother to help them learn the truth about the topic. No one wants to argue with someone with a superior attitude who also happens to be a complete imbicile. Its just not worth the time.

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