I married an elder. It was beyond horrible, it was pure HELL. I never saw my husband we did not have a marriage as he was alwasys gone. Spent my second year anniversary sitting in the car until 12:00 am and then was told I needed to go over to another elders wives home who HATED ME and I stayed there until 2:00 am with this elders wife pissed off at me for being there. Than my husband and I got into a huge fight on the way home because I had planned a nice evening evening to celebarte our anniversary together which was ruined now but my husband told me that I married an elder and just to get used to sitting in the car forever. We never made up for the lost night of our anniversary it just became another day of the year after that. Found out years latter that my husband had spent the night holding the hand of this old bitty of a sister with another elder. This women knew it was our anniversary and was trying to cause problems in our marriage she admitted it to me. I was just blown away as to WHY??? The people in the hall were so mean.
Elder's meetings were pure HELL also as I was never invited into any of the clicks of the elders wives. There would always be two to three groups of women huddled together gossiping and when I walked up they would all just stop and stare at me untill I left. They all did things together and I was NEVER included. Than when the elders would come out of their big important meeting this one idiot would say are you elderites ready to leave. I was one of the only wives who worked and sometimes we would not get home until 12:00 or 1:00 in the morning I would be so mad and worked up that I could not get to sleep and then I had to be up at 5:00 for work.
One time my husband had an major heart attack the morning of the school and service meeting. His first heart attack they had him back up conducting within three days of his getting home from the hospital. My husband always was given the worst assigments that none of the other elders wanted and he was always the school overseer. Well I called the CoBE'w wife on my way to the hosiptal and told her my husband would not be at the meeting that evening as he was having a heart attack. This elder's wife told me "What do you want me to do? I can't help you as I have to go out in service today."
I told the CO in our first year of marriage that I was totally losing it and he was so ticked off at me and told me that Jehovah needed my husband now I could have my husband in the new system.
If I could go back I would never stand to be treated the way I was. Plus I could not do anything, my job would have paid for me to take collage class which I could not because I had to set the example, I could not go running because it upset so many in the hall that I was putting my body to such a use. I could as an elders wife I should be using my time in field service not doing something I enjoyed. You name it was I was told it.