Was the Biblical Canon Directed by God?
by Chris Tann 57 Replies latest watchtower bible
Island Man
I highly recommend you read Forged by Bart Ehrman.
So if I was a Christian and wrote a book about living a good life, its all good?? It doesn't even have to be accurate?!?! My question to you would be:
How do you determine which book is inspired? Accuracy?!?! Does that mean that ANY book with any type of falsehood is non-inspired?!?! If so, what is the point of putting faith in any book of the bible?
I am just finishing an article in Spanish on the issue of how the Society relies in the NT canon. I have shown how the Society depends on early "apostates" to "confirm" the authenticity of the NT books. For instance, The Society quotes the "Athanasius canon of the IV century". But, was not him the champion of the Nicaea's word "homoousius", which equals the Son with the Father?........Also, interestingly, the Society quotes Saint Jerome to "show" that the Gospel of Matthew was written in Hebrew, and this is its argument to defend the inclusion of the Tetragramaton in the NT of the NWT. But, contradictorily, the Society accused negatively the church father Papias for using a non canonical book, The Gospel of the Hebrews. This shows that the Watchtower writer ignored that the Gospel of the Hebrews was that "version" of Matthew, which was considered "the original one", by many, as reported by Jerome. Furthermore, many of the quotations from that version, shows that it differs from the Greek version of Mathew which now many scholars now that it was not written by Matthew. So, if the Society holds that the original of Matthew was that which Jerome knew, the Society would have to admit that Jehovah preserved a forgery instead of the "original one".
For instance, The Gospel of the Hebrews uses the Hebrew version of Hosea 11:1 as the Gospel of Matthew does, but I strongly doubt that the Gospel of the Hebrews could use Isaiah 7:14 (in Hebrew) so as to show that Emanuel would born of a virgin.
You do not put your faith in a book the written word does not give life. It is only a testimony about Christ. YOu put your faith in the living Christ, he dwells within all who believe on him. THe mystery of the ages made known to the gentiles colossians 1:27. It is him that gives you life. The churches do not teach you this. Check out my youtube channel
The Canon started out as about 20 books and then over time priests added and took away books, this happen over several centuries. When Martin Luther started the reformation the new protestant religions finally took out several book and made their canon smaller. If God holy spirit was active or god himself and he was using the bible as his means of communication then why did he not make the bible just appear and in stone so know one could mess with it? Why does half the worlds population of christians have one version of the bible, Catholics and most Orthodox and the other half have another version? Why isn't the holy spirit fixing this problem since truth is so important??? Or maybe the answer is the bible is no more holy than the Quran or the Hindu writtings??
Johns gospel was a forgery
Paul was a heretic from judaism
Chris Tann
Data-dog, The contents written by Paul and other canon writers are very well thought out in my opinion. If one reads them soberly and really thinks about what they are saying, you can learn alot and truly be encouraged to live a godly life. At times Paul puts too much emphasis on himself,which seems to be an error on his part. To me 2 Peter does not seem to be truly written by Peter,and includes what appears to be belief in a pagan underworld called Tartarus.
However if one puts that aside it seems the writer was a Christian and at best we can benefit from any moral teachings that are included in it. I do feel that early Christian writings should be considered, like the Didache and letters written by the church fathers. I also feel that Christian books of today should be read as well. Having said that, a Christian should carefully consider the contents of these writings and the credentials of the writer. I think the NT should be our standard in what other Christian writings are acceptable to study and apply. If any writing is out of harmony with the NT writings we should proceed with caution.
The NT writings are the earliest Christian writings we have,and have been universally accepted by most Christians for centuries. This is all we have to give us a foundational understanding of Jesus and the beginnings of Christianity. To: Givemejustalittlemoretime, I agree with you;the Bible in of itself cannot give us life. However it is the NT that has revealed the gospel of Christ to us, and we need to at least consult it to understand how to properly come to Christ and let him be revealed in us;as Col. 1:27 has revealed. Otherwise we are just making stuff up.