It's big business laundering money through construction and improvements of a Kingdom Hall. It's steady cash flow laundering money to maintain a Kingdom Hall. Donated labor from members is icing on the cake. It's all gravy for the Jehovah Witness Elite.
Jehovanomics RULE #3: Money Laundering Through Kingdom Hall Build-Out and Maintenance.
by Jehovanomics 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Pete Zahut
It's big business laundering money through construction and improvements of a Kingdom Hall. It's steady cash flow laundering money to maintain a Kingdom Hall.
This is a new concept to me. Can you explain how it works and what proof there is that it happens?
Didnt Russell the founder of the "International Bible Students Association", the SECOND president of this association , say words to the effect that they would never solicit money for the kingdom work ?
That if Jehovah didnt provide for necessary funds it was an indication jehovah had withdrawn his support ?, or words to that effect.
Smiddy - Those were exactly the words that Russell used. I brought this issue up with my mother recently who's been trying her best to make us change our minds on leaving (to no avail ha). She told us about the donation slips that were handed out recently with regards to what they can contribute towards the building of the new Bethel in the UK. I pounced on that with Russells remarks about not soliciting funds, and she saw my point, but still felt it necessary to inform me she was going to make a one off contribution rather than a monthly one, like that was any different. Apart from the fact that they're going to be cashing in on prime property in London similarly to the massive windfall from NY sales, this is clearly contradicting what the Society has always taught on this subject.
The Searcher
Really what is needed for everyone here, but especially for those blinded ones still in, is for another Raymond Franz scenario, only this time, not an expose' from a G.B. member on false teachings, but one from a very senior member of the Org's financial masters.
That would blow the lid right off this can of worms and be the killer blow for most.
Gustv Cintrn
From the critical/jealous viewpoint, might seem like shady practices; in reality, there's this huge crowd of sincere worshippers that take pride in their places of worship and consider it worth it to devote their own time, energy and resources for building and upkeep of said properties.
Regarding the economy practices, it's not my field of expertise but, I'm confident that it's being done within the confines of the established guidelines.
Pure jealousy of our prosperity comes acrosss in threads like this one and similar. Sad day for y'all in this regard as we're moving with prosperity full speed ahead.