I'm glad your wife is intelligent enough to allow stimulating conversations to take place. Mine is not. That is why I must have intellectual affairs.
by breakfast of champions 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm glad your wife is intelligent enough to allow stimulating conversations to take place. Mine is not. That is why I must have intellectual affairs.
I know that sounds mean, but..... Perhaps I should say that her emotions override her intelligence. It's a cult after all, and they are good at manipulating emotions.
Take care not to mix-up your "L"s with your "N"s
breakfast of champions: Thanks for your answers to my questions. My wife and I are still in shock over the fact that we were once super-dubs and now don't even go to meetings. I'm just kind of curious about the situation with others, so thanks again for the info.
Recently, we have been discussing our long term goals/exit strategy, even down to details like where we might move away to in order to complete a successful fade, as well as which relatives might even exit with us, and which would shun us.
Sounds like us. We've been discussing where to move, too. JWdom ruined our desire to stay where we are. Every time we go to a store, etc. we look over our shoulders to make sure there are no JWs around. We've had the discussion about relatives, too.
BOC - Well done and good luck with your continued progress. Are you still attending the meetings as often as she is or have you stopped going? If so, had you stopped going when you showed her the BITE list? I'm starting to wonder if my continued attendence will help me reach my wife or if it's only serving to drive me insane.
Take care not to mix-up your "L"s with your "N"s
Yeah, when i saw the thread title, I saw this thread going in an entirely different direction.
I'm glad your wife is intelligent enough to allow stimulating conversations to take place. Mine is not. That is why I must have intellectual affairs.
I know that sounds mean, but..... Perhaps I should say that her emotions override her intelligence. It's a cult after all, and they are good at manipulating emotions.
We might be married to the same woman. The value of the meetings to my wife seems to be entirely about chatting with friends before/after meetings, and avoiding the intrinsic guilt associated with skipping. I don't know how to get past that...her parents did a mighty fine job of instilling the whole "bad association" crap in her, so sometimes merely talking to nice (usually older) folks that we run into in a bar for a half hour usually results in her making some comment about how we shouldn't be around worldly people (even though she genuinely enjoys herself in the moment). So I need to get her more exposure to the real world, but I fear her indoctrination is so strong that she'll never break away.
Anyway, I don't mean to derail the thread. Congrats to BOC, even if it takes you a while to be fully out, I'm sure it feels amazing just to be making steady progress...wish I knew how that felt.
BOC, this is really wonderful. Congratulations.
Great thread and method BOC!
May I use that amended document myself please with my wife??
I think it might help... (after a few weeks of the convention hype dies down of course)
can you please PM it to me if you have it? (If you don't mind sharing)
Love to see that document as well, please!
For those looking for the list he used, it looks like he posted it in the original thread that he linked to in the OP.
That's great, BOC. Slow and steady wins the race.