I don't understand the psyche of JW

by bobld 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bobld

    The majority have good jobs,drive newer vehicles,have nice homes,go on vacations.All in all they have the smarts.

    However,when it comes to their religion,they are dummer than a sack of hammers.They drive around in circles to get two hours of service time.They can't differentiate what the fds/gb say is from jehovah god,when in reality it is the stuff that comes out of a horses ass.What the horse eats(as it were food at the proper time from the gb) comes out of the horse as manure(shit sounds better) as a loving provision from jehovah.

  • sparky1

    You never will.

  • 3rdgen

    Its very well explained by Steven Hassen. Have you read any of his books? The explaination is that the WBT$ uses the B.I.T.E. Method. I urge you to investigate what it is and why it is so effective.

  • bigmac
  • goingthruthemotions

    what is there to understand? IMO the active JW who is blind to TTATT has an average I.Q. of 85.

    They All suffer from Cognitive Dissonance


  • LostGeneration

    IQ has nothing to do with whether a person is in a cult.

    Primal fears, such as dying and losing all of your friends and family drive obedience to the leaders of the religion. If you can alleviate a cultists fears, you can get them to look at things in a more objective manner.

  • sparrowdown

    What's to understand, there is no imperative on religion to make sense.

    That is probably one of the lesser known commandments;

    "You shalt not make sense, lest you get called out on thou bull shit"

  • steve2

    JWs are simply one of the more clearcut examples of how religious people in general have two parts to their gray matter: Decisions about everyday living occupy a distinctly different region of the brain from the part that is vulnerable to believing and/or going along with bullsh*t.

  • prologos

    synergy at work here, in such a way that your religion also pays, enhances your finances one way or another, or hedge betting, in case there is something to this "reward after death" thing.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Indoctrination happens.

    Indoctrination happens.

    Repetition for emphasis.

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