Why does the Society no longer use strong language?

by LogCon 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    I reckon that the comments and teachings that "everyone who is not a witness will die at the big A" is. pretty strong!

    Just because they use smooth speech now...the content is still as strong and vile!

  • mana11

    "8 PUSSYS running a Company - all they can do is cat fight internally"

  • 3rdgen

    They also fear persecution stemming from harsh language about specific governments and religions. They know they and todays soft JW's don't have what it takes to endure it.

  • steve2

    Russell was strong-willed, pompous but did not lack tactfulness. It was Rutherford who radically changed the tenor of the language in the organization so that publications and public addresses became increasingly strident in their anti-Christendom rants, perhaps reaching their most intensely hateful in the mid-1930s. Knorr, as Rutherford had before him, did not change things overnight - only gradually toning down the worst excesses of his predecessor. But it was a matter of degrees. To those who were vilified - including the apostates of those times - it did not matter much because we are talking about degrees of hate only.

    Those who think the organization has only recently become stridently cultish in its language of hate simply reveal how little acquainted they are with the disgusting ravings of big, fat ugly Rutherford. His speech makes even the most pompous ar*ed member of the GB sound by contrast like a pussy.

  • Ocean1111

    The smoother the rhythm the better the hypnotic effect. Strong words and actual truth tend to awaken the subject. The dog must remain asleep, and certainly not start barking. Nothing can verge into global reality in the WT, it is called "smooth words" at Daniel 11:32. At Daniel 8:12, if we applied that to the Bethel diversion, it would be a "gradually given over" subversion technique. The rhythm and smoothness aids the JW nap. The expected reading level is infantile, and the subject matter is sanitary, dated, aged and repetitive equalling: hypnosis.

    IMO, its called appeasing the beast.

    But the hypnotic effect of words, graphics, colors and subject menu is a reality—there is probably no better dated and fossilized group of people in world development and prophecy, expecting "the day of Jehovah as if it is here" (2Thess2:1-2), thinking it is still 1950, than J witnesses. There is no God or Jehovah in what they are now witnesses to. It is a looped tape, and echo chamber, and whorror house of smoke and mirrors.

    It is called a well engineered strong delusion, well rooted, mature and terminal. It wil form a very interesting case study of classic "apostasy", in a major "sting" con, when it finally progresses to the "reaping" stage of what it is really "sowing".

    Keep it on your radar even when it dissappears from the screen. The full "vanishing" "departure" will take a couple years after the commencing events imo. JWs will only comprehend the engineered "self fulfilling prophecy" when this occurs, but it too will be but a grand illusion and quite the hoax prepared especially for JWs worldwide.

    Ironicaly, it is Jehovah's witnesses who will need a witness to inform them of the reality of the situation.

  • Phizzy

    The Internet makes a HUGE difference to them, if they wrote in the same strident, condemnatory manner as they did in the pre-internet days, they would immediately face a storm of protest that would point the finger at them.

    In the past you had to search for the odd reply or critique of their nonsense, and as they were such an insignificant, wacky little group that few had heard of, their opinions went mostly unnoticed in the first place.

    Now they are larger and the majority of people have at least heard of them, anything approaching hate speech, or pointing the finger at another religion, will be torn apart quite publically, and they cannot have the R&F reading such things too often, because the R&F may then wake up to TTATT.

    Their hands, tongues, whatever, are tied, by the people who now really run the place,especially the Legal Department in this area. A powerful article like those in the 40's and 50's,if written today, would be toned down long before publication.

    They no longer have the power to speak out, not that they ever had the moral right to do so.

  • punkofnice

    Yes. Look what a storm 'mentally diseased' started with the Britsh press!!

  • BluesBrother

    Certainly... look at the website or the tv channel. It is all happy smiling faces and sweet children, like "The Waltons".....They want to appeal these days , not denounce others. Also, the laws do not allow condemnation so much. They would be on shaky legal grounds. So now homosexuals are just people practicing sexual imorality the same as straight couples and are people to be reached out to......Whatever the old dubs think inside!

  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann

    They dont use strong language anymore because it has got them in trouble in the past. Rutherfords religious hate articles caused Hitler to brutally persecute the IBS's.

  • hamsterbait

    The quote of Rutherfraud contains LOOOONG sentences. Most people now cannot retain the meaning of a sentence longer than ten words. If a word of three or more syllables appears near the beginning of a sentence, everything after is generally read by a brain on overload, and dumped.

    The Babble Comics have to use shorter sentences and simpler vocabulary to appeal to the ignorant gofors the Borg is trying to suck in.

    And the Comics are now written by ignoramuses, with no depth of reading, education, or life experience themselves. Most went to Beth Hell as kids, and never grew up. The GB are a bunch of dust farting reptiles who butt- kissed their way to the top, not by their knowledge or education. THEY prolly have a hard time understanding it. That's why the new "God's Kingdumb" book offers no cogent reasoning on anything.

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